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Parshat B'Reisheet from Israel in the midst of War

· 15.10.2023 · 04:29:25 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 מיכאל אליהו בן-דוד Micha'el BenDavid Official
Parshat B'Reisheet from Israel in the Midst of War

Shalom Aleichem!

I mean really "True and Tried Peace" be upon you all.

As Israeli jets are heard flying in the skies to battle Israel's enemies, I greet you from within the Bosom of my Refuge, the God of Jacob, in the midst of War in Israel with love and peace and confidence in the One True God Elohim the Creator of Heaven and Earth!

Welcome to Torah Treasures with Micha'el BenDavid

Beloved, I believe the timing of the War that started on Simchat Torah (when the Torah scroll is rolled back to the Beginning) until this week's Torah portion / Parashat B'reisheet is a very significant Sign to Israel and the Nations to return wholeheartedly to the Torah, to the Ancients Paths and to Mashiach Yeshua while we still have time to make TESHUVAH ' repentance so that we may find rest for our souls even in the midst of war and adversity.

This is only the beginning of Jacob's trouble that will spill over to all the nations of the world and Obedience to His instructions will help us to endure all things..

This war is a battle over WORSHIP and it will touch everyone so grab a hold of His tsit-tsit and find the strength that you will need NOW and in the future.

It is written in Tehillim / Psalm 94:12-15

"Blessed is the man whom You instruct, YHVH, and teach out of Your law, that You may give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit is dug for the wicked. ​​For YHVH will not cast off His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance. ​​But judgment will return to righteousness, and all the upright in heart will follow it [TORAH].

In the Living Torah Yeshua and the written TORAH there is protection and promises to endure till the end and to overcome the world, hasatan and all things that may come upon this world.

The Red horse of Zechariah 1:8 and Revelation 6:4 may have been unleashed to take PEACE from the earth; but Yeshua HaMashiach gives a Peace that the world cannot take away, so please tap into the Peace that the Prince of Peace Sar Shalom gives and you will be more than conquerors through Him who loved us!

Beloved, as it is written to everything under the sun there is a season. There is a season for everything as the wise Preacher wrote in Kohelet the Book of Ecclesiastes. And we have entered a Season of War!

This is the season to truly abide in Yeshua and He in us so that we may overcome the world and bear MUCH FRUIT in this season of War!

Hope you enjoy what Abba has put in my heart to share with you all...

Parshat B'Reisheet from Israel in the Midst of War

Elohim, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Seas and everything in them, truly bless you with Peace with Shalom of Sar Shalom YHVH SHALOM!

In Yeshua,
Micha'el Eliyahu

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