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Parshat VaYesheiv (And He Settled) Torah Treasures with Micha'el Eliyahu

🎞️ · 17.12.2022 · 10:18:34 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 מיכאל אליהו בן-דוד Micha'el BenDavid Official
🎬 · 17.12.2022 · 10:18:34 ··· Samstag
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
To purchase this intro track or the whole digital CD Mi Yaaleh / Who Will ascend please click here: https://emetzion.bandcamp.com/album/mi-yaaleh-who-may-ascend-vol-1

Sometimes, beloved, best to keep your dreams and revelation to yourself, because hasatan will enter into even well meaning folks and family to stand against you and the truth you just revealed about the future.

If there was never any truth to what you revealed, the devil would not have shown up. He only shows his ugly face when there is truth to what's been revealed to you. I know that personally. I have experienced that first hand!

Careful who you share your deepest revelations, dreams, and visions with. But even if you did, be of good courage. They may throw you in the pit for a season, conspire against you; character assassinate you and try to do you harm; but the time will come when they themselves will be humbled and found in a certain God ordained pit (spiritual need, lack, famine, danger etc) and you will sovereignly be the only one who can deliver them and bring them out safely.

Be righteous and gracious as Yosef HaTzadik! Because it was all from Shamayim - Heaven to save many. If the Holy One of Israel is with us, who can ever be against us? It all worked out for the good for Yosef and so shall it be for you and for Mi ... Remember we are carrying the multi-coloured future and the Present (Black & White) Day may not be able to handle it! Keep your eyes on YHVH! Be still and know that He is Elohim!

Shabbat Shalom, shabbat shalom!

Love, M&A

In His great love,
Micha'el ~ His Beloved!

· 17.12.2022 · 10:18:34 ··· Samstag
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