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Genesis 17 What is the Covenant of Circumcision? Who is El Shaddai? Why Abram & Sarai’s Name Change.

· 17.01.2024 · 07:56:47 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 1 🎬 42 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Genesis 17
Covenant Fruitfulness and the Way of Circumcision

1-8 Promising a Larger Covenant
9-14 Requiring a Covenant Sign
15-21 Amazed by and Struggling with Promises
22-26 Obeying the Command Immediately

0:00 Why does God care about the family?
1:06 From Genesis 16, what is attached to Abram’s life of faith that shouldn't be there?
2:40 Titles and Outlines from the Audience
3:24 Titles and Outlines from the Speaker
3:50 Why does God wait until Abram is 99 before God appears to him?
5:00 What gets in the way of God's promises being fulfilled through us?
5:20 What has to happen before God can appear to us?
7:40 What is the key phrase to all the rest of the Chapter? Genesis 17 1. How does God appear to Abram? As El Shaddai
8:58 When does God come to us? When we are ready to give up on ourselves.
9:48 Genesis 17 1-8 What is at stake in this Chapter? Fruitfulness. What is Abram learning? To give up on his own strength
11:56 What has to happen to Abram to be fruitful? Circumcision
12:48 Where is the place of Revelation and advance? In brokenness
14:00 What has to happen for God to be everything? Be nothing
15:04 Why does Abram laugh and ask God to bless Ishmael?
17:05 What do the names Sarai and Sarah mean?
17:35 What is the literal significance of circumcision? Why is circumcision a sign and a seal? Romans 4:11
19:40 What is the spiritual meaning of circumcision? Being separated from the strength of the flesh - "I can't do it."
21:23 Colossians 2:11-12 First die to yourself and your own ways then the Holy Spirit can come inside of you.
22:22 Have you ever met a cranky Christian? Can the flesh come up in a Christian?
23:52 Why does every male have to be circumcised and not just Abraham only? God is working through God's house and everyone is a part of the program.
26:30 What is the difference between blessing and covenant? The covenant blessing speaks of privilege, position and closeness which is the best.
29:13 How can a Christian be perfect?
31:58 How many things did God ask of Abraham?
32:43 What are some name changes in scripture?
34:34 What is the key to God's promises?
34:53 Have you ever had a promise of God that made you laugh?

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