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Bible and Family Matters

03.09.2024 · 16:39:36 ···
01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
16.07.2023 · 06:05:42 ··· 5 ··· ··· 35 ···
03.09.2024 · 16:39:36 ···
01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
16.07.2023 · 06:05:42 ··· 5 ··· ··· 35 ···

1:: Acts 24 Expository Bible Study w/ Q&A, Attack of Paul Moves Into the Courtroom, Paul on Trial

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 02.05.2024 · 04:49:31 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Acts 24 Spiritual Witness and Spiritual Warfare Clash in the Courtroom: What God Proposes, Satan Opposes 0:00 Introduction: Clash in the Courtroom. Satan Opposes every decision you make for Him. 1:06 The Big Idea of this Chapter - Paul and others are witnessing and there is spiritual warfare against it. 4:42 Review of the attacks on Paul in Acts 21, 22, and 23 5:20 Acts 24. The enemy is not giving up. The attack on Paul moves into the courtroom. Trying to take out Paul one way or another. 6:11 What is the witness? God has an eternal purpose that the Jew and Gentile should be one body in the Church to get an administrator for the future Kingdom. 6:39 What does God propose? That we join that purpose. Satan Opposes that. 2 Timothy 3. 8:00 What are you suffering for? 8:32 What makes our life important or not is the cause you represent. 9:14 vs. 10 The purpose of suffering - salvation in Christ Jesus WITH eternal glory 10:11 Why are we here on earth? For the sake of those who are chosen. John 15:15. To bear fruit by cooperating with and proclaiming His purpose to the Church in the world. Only what you do in the power of the Holy Spirit will remain. 11:31 Verses 1 to 9 Strong Yet Untruthful Accusations - There is religious malice against Paul and it motivates them to go through hardships to persecute Paul. They don't know God. 13:32 What will come of Tertullus? Tertullus is a class of lawyers. Verbal bullets - strong and untruthful accusations - oratory and flattery used to flatter Felix who is a bad guy. 19:28 Factual and Courageous Answers 1) He answers with courtesy without flattery 2) He has straightforward statements - simple and truthful 3) He will fearlessly deny the charges 4) He has a righteous challenge - We don't need to twist things. 22:03 Felix lacks moral clarity and hence Hesitation and Indecision Despite Being Well-Informed - Evil will eventually make you a coward. John 3:19-21 The real problem is that we love evil. But we need to repent of loving evil. Come to the light. 26:45 Felix Missing His Golden Opportunity - What is a Golden Opportunity? For 2 years, Felix has the greatest thinker in his quarters. Felix missed it. 31:15 How can a good command of language and skillful public speaking be used harmfully by others against Christians or be used by Christians to protect us, pierce the conscience and get conviction of the Holy Spirit? 40:10 If a person has charisma, how careful should he be with his gift? Test the spirits. When the Antichrist and false prophet show up, they will be the best speakers. 42:22 Why is it so important for us to use facts in answering accusations against us and not respond emotionally and launch our own personal attacks? Don’t get in the way of the Holy Spirit. 48:23 How does Jesus' response to Pilate encourage us when it seems the "higher authorities" like Felix do not favor us and only want what is good for themselves? How does Paul's refusal to offer a bribe to obtain his freedom encourage us to refuse questionable antics to try to escape our own troubles? Deliverance will come from God. Don’t take short cuts. 50:20 What steps should Christians take to have moral clarity that is Biblical and, in God's eyes, blameless in today's world. See Hebrews 4:12. Don't live in an echo chamber. 52:45 Colossians 1:13 Are you willing for God to transfer you from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Witness for Him.

2:: Acts 22 Bible Study with Q and A Paul’s Testimony of Conversion Repeated, Roman citizenship of Paul

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 06.04.2024 · 20:33:40 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Acts 22 Paul the Prisoner Preaches to the People How Does the Holy Spirit Give the Best Witness in the Worst of Circumstances 0:00 Background to the events that lead to Paul giving an answer or "apologia." When things are at their worst, can we be at our best? Being His witness is the purpose of this book. 2:54 Paul is bound with two chains - Day one of Paul as a prisoner. Romans don't want a rebellion and the commander takes Paul from the mob. 6:00 Paul knows Hebrew and Greek. The crowds are shocked because the officers are standing with him and he speaks in Hebrew. It's surprising he's even coming back to the mob. Paul is not a fragile eggshell that cracks and have a meltdown. He loves and speaks the truth in love. 9:46 How does the Holy Spirit Give the Best Witness in the Worst of Circumstances? How do you respond to a deep personal attack? He calls them brethren and fathers - love. I was just like you. Paul was the MVP - Most Valuable Pharisee. 16:25 But Something Happend to Paul. God interrupted him so he could be a new person. He changed because he asked, "What should I do?" 18:33 Paul Was Called in Weakness. Paul is not making himself look good. 20:00 Paul Wanted to Stay. Paul us showing the Jews that he loves them. God told him to go to the Gentiles. Before the captivity the Jews were idolatrous. After the captivity, the Jews were exclusive. 23:09 Rescued from Agony - The word bezerk is a Nordic term for a frenzied rage. The Romans are there to stop them from killing Paul. 25:15 The Privilege Roman Citizenship protected Paul. The commander thinks Paul is guilty and is going to whip him. Paul has dual citizenship. You couldn't flog a Roman citizen and you had to give the Roman citizen a fair trial. 28:40 The only New Testament precedents for spreading the Gospel are godly living, praying and bold speaking. Geoffrey Thomas 29:17 Why would God repeat what we already have heard? Answer: 1. We are not good listeners. Learn how to listen 2. There's a fresh insight for us. 3. He highlights important things and universal relevance. 4. He will show lessons that are relevant for the whole Christian age. 5. It gives us fresh insight into the same story because of a new context. 33:45 What truths is God strongly declaring to us from the story of Paul's conversion to Christianity? 1. Once human religious stubbornness forms, it requires a miracle to be rescued from it. 2. Sincerity is not the greatest Virtue. 3. Humility is essential for God to change us. 4. Loyalty to the Messiah is infinitely greater than loyalty to a system that talks about the Messiah. 36:30 How can we known if we have a better understanding of truth? Let the Bible speak for itself. A better understanding has explanatory power and objective truth, balance and absolute subjective conviction. It inspires and is transformative and elevates. 38:47 What attitudes should we have about ourselves if we are gifted with a "better" understanding? We need a better character to properly hold a better understanding. Does the Christian ministry produce toy soldiers or Navy Seals. 42:16 When should Christians use their civil rights to protect themselves? 1. To avoid unnecessary humiliation or suffering. 2. To assert the righteousness of our cause against base slander. 45:28 In what situations can too much reliance on such rights cause Christian work to flounder or fail? 1. When God wants us to suffer. 2. When opposition would lead us in sin. 3. When the real issue is not protecting your rights but losing them, a spiritual issue and glory of Christ issue. You build better in suffering. 47:31 Where is our true citizenship. Our citizenship is in heaven. Human governments will fail. The cross paid for that citizenship. 48:47 Do we know what are civil rights are. Do we take advantage of them? There's no Virtue in laziness. Take time to know the laws of your land. 49:55 We live in a time of freedom that's about to vanish.

3:: Acts 21 Bible Study w/ Q & A, How to Know God’s Will, Who is Phillip, his pure daughters and Mnason?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.03.2024 · 10:00:02 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Hard Journey to A Hard City: How to Find God's Perfect Way, Despite Confusion and Contradiction Making decisions in the will of God is hard. 0:00 Jerusalem is a hard city. There is spiritual hardness and a core of people there who will refuse to hear the truth and unwilling to submit to Jesus. 1:42 Some Christians want an easy journey. It's hard for disciples to understand the hard truths. God's way may not feel good but ARE good. 4:05 What is the safest place in the world? Being in the center of God's will. 4:42 Paul's heart is for God's will to be done with him. Can we know God's will when others do not? 5:58 Speaker's Outline: Acts 21 1 to 16 All sections talk about what's given to Paul on his journey by God's people, Church leaders, Jewish accusers and the Roman government. 10:16 Acts 21 1 to16 What do we get on the hard journey? Warmth, warning, weeping and welcome. 13:00 Acts 21 11 The warning with Agabus - The Holy Spirit is preparing Paul for what's to come. That's why there's warnings. 14:22 Acts 21 5 - The first place in Acts that children are mentioned. Take your children to he with God's servants. 15:22 The picture of what church should always be. 15:42 Weeping and breaking Paul's heart. Love is vulnerable but the love of Christ cannot be manipulated. Learn how to handle serious topics with others. Don't be talked out of God's will because of friendships. What matters is the will of the Lord be done. 19:10 Welcome - Do you find welcome in any Christian home. 19:44 Acts 21 8 - The welcome of Phillip. Phillip's home is like a lighthouse. He welcomes Paul into his home but there's no competition. 20:57 Phillip's four virgin daughters. There's immorality in the Roman world. Sisters can prophesy and express the mind of the Lord. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. The daughters are pure and follow in the truth that Phillip preached. Obey the Holy Spirit. Be pure women. 24:43 Acts 21 16 Mnason a disciple from the beginning. He's showing hospitality and he is doing what he can. 25:30 Acts 21 20 False Reports of Paul spread. He is not attacking Judaism but he's saying that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Judaic system. Pass on the right news. Counsel to conceal his identity. 27:15 Compromise to get conciliation. Zealous for the law is the immature life. It's not conformity to formality but it's conformity to reality that matters. 29:05 How can we share our concerns with God's servants without being controlling or without persuading them the wrong way? How can we avoid ignoring good advice that can save our lives? With questions about decisions we need to make. 35:33 Why are aged Christians like Mnason undervalued and neglected? What can we do to have inter-generational care between believers of all ages? 41:58 What does Paul mean that he becomes "all things to all men" in order to save some? When is accommodation harmful or overdone and can ruin your testimony or witness? 51:01 How do we deal with enraged mobs and fanaticism in people we really love? How do you work with relatives and friends who say that YOU are the fanatic and try to silence you?

4:: Acts 20 17-38 How to Recognize True Spiritual Leadership? Exhortations and Encouragements to Elders.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.02.2024 · 19:46:41 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Bible Study Expository Teaching in Acts 20 17 to 38 Exhortations and Encouragement to Elders to Lead, Sacrifice, and Care for God’s People Recognize and Support His Shepherd of His Flocks. Paul’s Burden is to talk to the elders on the essential truths for all churches about what matters for church leadership. 0:00 Exhortations and Encouragements to Elders. What matters for Church Leadership? 1:40 What does Church in Ephesus mean? The New Testament Church is a community of churches in a city. 2:57 Why is Paul meeting with the elders? When you strengthen the leadership, you strengthen the churches. 3:28 Christianity is not about having titles. The elders are Holy Spirit made men. They don't come from a vote. 4:33 How do Elders fail? If they see their title as a job and not as a calling. 6:00 Exhortation means get to work. Encouragement means you can get the work done. Men who will show up and do the job is what God is looking for. 7:20 Those who lead and those who are led need to be one. Everyone can recognize true spiritual leadership. 8:46 People treat church leaders like actors and care only about the performance and not the person. 12:03 Leadership is not ownership but stewardship. 12:33 Acts 20 17 to 21 Paul's Attitude and Approach. He is not duplicitous. He cares about God's people and went into the homes. 18:09 What type of church should you be in? Individuals and families are the foundation stone of church growth. 19:26 Christianity is NOT the religion of hermits. You're not hiding in your home. The church and the home are to be one continuous life together, connected all the time. 20:25 What is the progression in the sections of the outline? Future, past and present 21:02 Acts 20 22 to 25 FUTURE - Can this be your life? Paul is a model for the elders. Finish the work. That's the way to end. It's not an easy work. The office of the elder is a fine work. 22:11 Acts 20 26 to 35 PRESENT - How do you live? He's faithful, not popular. Is God pleased? He is careful to be innocent of the blood. If you keep your mouth shut when you should speak, you share the guilt. Be on guard. Take heed to yourself, the flock, the wolves and traitors. 24:40 The Holy Spirit makes elders. What do overseer and elder mean? Episcopal. In the Church of God Titles are not emphasized and many times to be refused. Oversight of the flock. Elders and bishops are the same person. Position and work. 26:40 Generosity. There's nothing like asking for money that will ruin your testimony. God will provide. Let needs be known in the work of the Lord. Don't ask for yourself. Paul wasn't in it for personal gain. More blessed to give than to receive. The devil's servants are taking. The Lord's people are giving out of love. Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul mind and strength. 30:00 What is good leadership? Holy Spirit birthed leadership. Authority without authoritarianism, discipleship without dictatorship, flexibility without folly, guidance without control, criticism without destruction, sacrifice without fanaticism, dignity without folly. Who you are as a leader is what matters the most. Read Titus 2. 32:39 Describe both the inner life and practices of effective Christian leadership. The inner life of a shepherd is to be a sheep. A shepherd is one of His sheep. 35:08 What kind of impact does a home of service and hospitality have on the guests and on the families who serve them? Sacrifice. The work is changing you and the ones around you. Are you willing to change? Relationships and a place to connect. Church should be like home. 39:36 Impact on the guest - God loves you. 40:08 Impact on the families who serve - My home and the church is the same culture. No duality or hypocrisy. The church is invading the world with the culture of heaven. Jesus Christ is the culture, not your race or ethnicity, gender, economic status. 42:11 What are some important life projects and commitments that seem hard to finish? Salvation, having children, marriage. 44:08 Homeschooling or taking responsibility for the education of your children. 44:44 Don't waste your time on the wrong projects and commitments 45:03 What truthful advice can we give someone or yourself to help stay on the path of God's purpose and focused on His calling to the end? 48:27 How is it possible to share the "whole purpose of God" yet still bring fresh and new insights that keep us from being trapped in trendy movements or inflexible theology? Really all 66 books of the Bible. Relevance of the Bible. 51:01 What "counsels of God" are not consistently taught in the Church yet, if dwelt upon, would benefit believers in any circumstance and prepare us for the end of the world? Rewards, consequences, responsibility, controversial issues. Justification, sanctification and glorification. 54:40 What barriers and distractions do we face today amongst believers of vibrant Christian giving? Worrying about our image, entertainment, vacations, overspending, credit card debt

5:: Acts 6 Was there a Problem of Favoritism? What are Duties of a Deacon? Who is Steven? What is Unity?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 01.02.2024 · 20:02:51 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Acts 6 Solving Problems of Faith, Food, Finances and Favoritsm in the Church. Requirements and duties of a deacon. The Rise of Steven. What is Unity? 0:00 Introduction: Study the Sciptures 0:33 What is the most dangerous assault on the Church? 2:07 What is Biblical unity? Ephesians 4 1 4:35 What earthquake faults are in the Church? 5:29 How do you deal with faults in the Church? 7:04 What could cause an earthquake in a Christian Church? Galatians 3 26-28 9:22 Acts 6 1 - What is at stake in the Church at that time? 10:51 The Church is meeting needs not wants. 11:12 Was the accusation of favoritism true? Native Born Jews with Hellentistic Jews 13:26 How does Satan kill a Christian fellowship? Through suspicion. 14:02 What does the word "complaint" mean? Murmur in private 14:39 How do you resolve complaints, bitterness and anger in the Church? Luke 17 1-5 Forgiveness 18:07 Acts 6 2-4 What is the Apostle’s solution to the problem? Quality servant leaders 18:44 Acts 6 5-7 What is a deacon's requirements and role in the Church? 22:01 What do we do that is upside down? Creating the need to fill a position. 22:29 What is the New Testament pattern and structure for the Church? Elders and deacons? 23:36 Acts 6 8-10 Why can Steven rise as a servant teacher and martyr against the coalition of religious leaders? The Church repented of division. 24:45 Acts 6 11-14 How do the coalition of religious leaders try to silence Steven? Conspiracy, slander and murder 28:46 Acts 6 15 How does Steven respond to persecution? He's a radiant witness on the stand. 29:35 Are we a problem solver or a troublemaker? 31:50 What are the duties of apostles and deacons and how are their duties complementary? 36:15 What character qualities are needed to fill leadership roles? 43:09 How should we react when people persecute us? 44:52 Why can religious authorities feel comfortable with slander and false accusation? 47:52 What is Christianity like today? 48:24 How do we heal imbalances in the Church? The Biblical model is the best. 48:53 Looking ahead at Steven's speech.

6:: Genesis 17 What is the Covenant of Circumcision? Who is El Shaddai? Why Abram & Sarai’s Name Change.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.01.2024 · 05:56:47 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 17 Covenant Fruitfulness and the Way of Circumcision 1-8 Promising a Larger Covenant 9-14 Requiring a Covenant Sign 15-21 Amazed by and Struggling with Promises 22-26 Obeying the Command Immediately 0:00 Why does God care about the family? 1:06 From Genesis 16, what is attached to Abram’s life of faith that shouldn't be there? 2:40 Titles and Outlines from the Audience 3:24 Titles and Outlines from the Speaker 3:50 Why does God wait until Abram is 99 before God appears to him? 5:00 What gets in the way of God's promises being fulfilled through us? 5:20 What has to happen before God can appear to us? 7:40 What is the key phrase to all the rest of the Chapter? Genesis 17 1. How does God appear to Abram? As El Shaddai 8:58 When does God come to us? When we are ready to give up on ourselves. 9:48 Genesis 17 1-8 What is at stake in this Chapter? Fruitfulness. What is Abram learning? To give up on his own strength 11:56 What has to happen to Abram to be fruitful? Circumcision 12:48 Where is the place of Revelation and advance? In brokenness 14:00 What has to happen for God to be everything? Be nothing 15:04 Why does Abram laugh and ask God to bless Ishmael? 17:05 What do the names Sarai and Sarah mean? 17:35 What is the literal significance of circumcision? Why is circumcision a sign and a seal? Romans 4:11 19:40 What is the spiritual meaning of circumcision? Being separated from the strength of the flesh - "I can't do it." 21:23 Colossians 2:11-12 First die to yourself and your own ways then the Holy Spirit can come inside of you. 22:22 Have you ever met a cranky Christian? Can the flesh come up in a Christian? 23:52 Why does every male have to be circumcised and not just Abraham only? God is working through God's house and everyone is a part of the program. 26:30 What is the difference between blessing and covenant? The covenant blessing speaks of privilege, position and closeness which is the best. 29:13 How can a Christian be perfect? 31:58 How many things did God ask of Abraham? 32:43 What are some name changes in scripture? 34:34 What is the key to God's promises? 34:53 Have you ever had a promise of God that made you laugh?

7:: Acts 3 Healing of the Lame Man. Purpose of the Miracle. Why is Christianity Built on Miracles?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 04.01.2024 · 00:58:11 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Acts 3 the Miracle and the Message: Healing Should Bring Worship, Testimony, and Repentence 1-3 Sitting Helpless at the Beautiful Gate 4-7 Looking and Giving an Answer 8-10 Receiving and Praising the Giver 11-18 Explaining Why It Happened 19-26 Calling Everyone to Respond 0:00 What really happened? Was the healing a real miracle? 3:33 Why is Christianity built on miracles? What triggers the birth of the Church? 4:42 What do some people think of miracles? 5:06 Can a miracle be a hoax? Can the "miracle" give Christians a bad name? 5:45 What is a living miracle? 6:07 What is the greatest miracle in Paul and in us? 1 Timothy 1 verse 15 to 16 8:07 How does the miracle set the stage for the message? What is the more important thing, the miracle or the message? The Church is born in enemy territory. 10:01 What is the Church? 10:30 What is the focus of the heavenly culture in the Church? Not miracles but Jesus Christ. 11:02 What is the the Bibical model of healing in and out of the Church? 12:10 What is essential in the work of God? What needs to be the new center in your soul for God to use you to get healing? 15:13 Acts 3 1-3 What is the lame man a picture of? What is the Beautiful Gate a picture of? Human religion falls short of true healing. 17:21 Acts 3 4-7 Why could the lame man be saved and healed? No one has an answer for the lame's man condition but Peter and John. 20:05 Do you love your broken identity and prefer religion or living in defeat? 20:57 What kind of healing can the Gospel bring to helpless people? 21:54 Acts 3 11-18 How does Peter explain to the Jews the significance of the miracle? 24:27 Acts 3 19-25 What is the purpose of healing for us today? 26:02 How is having a disability a blessing? 27:21 How is the lame man a picture of sinners in need of God's healing and not silver and gold? 27:57 Where do disabilities originate? 28:53 Exodus 4 11 Does God cause physical disabilites sometimes? 29:42 John 9 1-3 Are people unhealthy and disabled because they've sinned? 30:51 Why could God use Nick Vujicic? 31:41 Why would we not experience a miracle of healing today? 32:54 What are the miracles that He wants to perform inside of everyone? 33:55 Can God do the same miracles today that He did in the Peter's day? What makes people miss out on miracles? 34:28 What is the purpose of miraculous healing? Is it God's will for Him to always do a physical healing? 36:46 What should we do if God doesn't give us a miracle? 37:16 What should we do if people ignore the Gospel? 38:28 What is the eternal perspective we need to have? 39:06 1 Peter 2 24, 25 Conclusion Notes: The Miracle and the Message Healing Should Bring worship, Testimony, and Repentance. WHEN THERE IS A WORK OF GOD IN OUR DAY, PEOPLE IGNORE IT. PEOPLE DENY THE TRUTH. ST. AUGUSTINE: MIRACLES ARE NOT CONTRARY TO NATURE BUT ONLY CONTRARY TO WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT NATURE. WE ARE SO LIMITED. GOD IS ABLE TO SUSPEND THE NATURAL PROCESS. CS LEWIS MIRACLES. CHRISTIANITY IS BUILT ON MIRACLES: THE GREATEST MIRACLE WAS THE RESURRECTION. IT’S BECAUSE OF THAT MIRACLE THAT TRIGGERS OTHER MIRACLES IN THE CHURCH. THEY HAD EVERYTHIING TO LOSE IF IT WAS A LIE BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN IF IT WAS TRUE. BUT NOT MIRACLES BY THEMSELVES. BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE GULLIBLE. WHAT GIVES CHRIST A BAD NAME IS WHEN PEOPLE STAGE A MIRACLE BUT THEY ARE FAKE. WE ARE THE MIRACLE. WHAT IS THE GREATEST MIRACLE? HE TOOK A COMMITTED MURDERER OF CHRISTIANS, PAUL, AND CHANGED HIM INTO A COMMITTED DISCIPLE WHO LOVES GOD. THE GREATEST MIRACLE IS TO SEE A DEPRAVED MAN CHANGED. ACTS 2:42-47 THE CHURCH IS BORN AND PLANTS THE NAME OF THE LORD RIGHT IN THE MIDST OF ENEMY TERRITORY. THE APOSTLES LIVE IN A HEAVENLY CULTURE AND THE CULTURE IS NOT MIRACLES BUT JESUS CHRIST. THE FOCUS IS NOT EXHIBITIONISM, OR MAKING MONEY BUT GIVING IT AWAY. SOMETIMES GOD’S PEOPLE GET CONFUSED BY THE WRONG MODEL. IT’S THE LIFE THAT YOU LIVE THAT MAKES YOU EFFECTIVE. ACTS 3 IS TELLING US THAT OUT OF THE CHURCH, HEALING IS COMING FORTH. WHAT IS ESSENTIAL IN THE WORK OF GOD? THE ANOINTING AND FILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRT, IT DOESN’T MEAN HYSTERICAL BEHAVIOR BUT GOD WANTS TO FILL US WITH THE POWER OF GOD THROUGH THE HOLYT SPIRIT. “HE MUST INCREASE AND I MUST DECREASE.” WHAT PERCETAGE IS YOU AND WHAT’S THE LORD? NOT A BETTER YOU BUT CHRIST IN YOU IS THE END OF THE JOURNEY. TO BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT TO BE TOUCHY, AND YOU’RE LOVING GOD’S PEOPLE AS IMPERFECT AS THEY ARE. YOU CAN’T BUY THE HOLY SPIRIT. THERE’S NO SHORTCUTS IN HOLINESS. 1-3 SITTING HELPLESS AT THE BEAUTIFUL GATE. WHERE IS HE FOUND? JUADAISM, THE TEMPLE, AND A PARTICULARLY BEAUTIFUL GATE. THERE’S A CONTRAST. BEAUTIFUL BUT AN UGLY LIFE. THIS IS A METAPHOR FOR ISRAEL. WEEK BY WEEK YOU HAVE THE SAME DEFEATED LIFE. HUMAN RELIGION CAN’T MEET HIS NEED. HUMAN RELIGION EVEN AT IT’S BEST CAN’T HELP.

8:: Genesis 14 Rebellion and First War in the Bible, Abram Rescues Lot, Why does Melchizedek meet Abram?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 14.12.2023 · 16:04:00 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 14 Abram Rescues Lot, Why does Melchizedek meet Abram 1-12 Rebellion and Clash of Empires 13-16 Reaction, Attack and Rescue 17-20 Victory 21-24 Refusal to be Rich from Sodom 0:00 How does God love Abram? Can God's love for humanity be seen in the book of Genesis? 1:58 Does God love us personally and as individuals or does He love us a collective  movement? 5:55 What is eternal life? 6:42 Speaker's Outline 7:00 Where is Shinar, Ellasar, Goim and Elam? Where did they exercise power? 8:08 Where do the four kings conquer? 9:34 Where are the five kings defeated? Where iws Abram dwelling at the time of the rebellion and defeat of the five kings? 10:40 How does Abram rescue Lot? 11:17 Where is Jerusalem where  Melchizedek meets Abram? 11:56 Where is the Kings Highway? 12:27 Why did the war take place? What is the spiritual reason why there are wars? 13:24 Why was Lot captured? What danger did Lot face? 14:09 What was Abram's reaction to the news about Lot? What was his motive? Did Abram nurse any bad feelings with Lot? 15:28 Does the King of Sodom die? Who were the five kings that rebelled? 16:38 How did Lot get mixed up in the rebellion? 16:55 What is the warning of this chapter?How can Christians make the most difference in the world without being entangled in the world's warfare? 18:17 What do verses 1 to 12 show? War and Misery 18:35 What are verses13-16 showing? Counterattack and liberty. 19:46 Are we willing to rescue struggling believers who are trapped? 21:15 Are we willing to maintain  separation from love of the world, purity of heart and love for the Lord to give us courage? Are we willing to help those who can't help themselves? 22:21 Why is Abram able to rescue Lot? Will you make friends of God's people? 23:15 Are your children trained to help us in the work of the Lord? It's called discipling your children to lay hold of eternal life and to rescue others in an emergency. 24:28 Why was Abram victorious? What was his strategy? 25:38 How is Genesis 12 is being fulfilled in Genesis 14? 26:09 Psalm 107 Do we know people who are like Lot or Abram? 27:01 verses 17-20 - How does Melchizedek prepare Abram to overcome the temptation of Sodom? Communion, tithing and celebration. 29:03  Verses 21-24 - Opportunity and temptation. Who is Bera King of Sodom? 30:02 Why shouldn't Abram accept rewards from the King of Sodom? 30:53 How do we overcome temptation? It's the life and work of Christ that strengthen us. 31:22 What really matters for Christians?

9:: Genesis 16 Trouble in the Tents of Faith: Results of Abram and Sarai’s bad plans. Who is Ishmael?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 02.12.2023 · 06:58:57 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 16 Trouble in the Tents of Faith 1-3 Why is There Trouble 4-6 Short Term Consequences 7-9 How to Respond 10-16 Long Term Consequences 0:00 Review of Genesis 15 - Justification by faith is explained, a covenant given to Abram 1:26 What does the life of Abram shows us as Christians 2:21 Prophecy and our current culture. Matthew 16 verse 1 to 3 Do we recognize the signs of the times? 6:32 Titles and Outlines - Audience Participation 8:20 Speaker's Outline 8:55 Verses 1-3 Why is there trouble? Sarai and Abram are impatient. Trouble in the family gives birth to trouble in the country 12:25 Where did Sarai get the idea to have a child by Hagar? 13:07 Verse 6 to 9 How do we respond to authority? What is the divine guidance in verse 9? 14:18 How does Galatians 4 verses 21 to 28 interpret the principles from Genesis 16? It's a conflict of law and grace. 16:52 What does a Hagar-like Church look like? It is filled with legalism. 17:38 What does it look like for Churches to be like Sarai? Filled with the Holy Spirit. 18:26 What are the 2 natural responses to trouble? Fight or Flight. What's the third option? Submit. 18:47 What are the long term consequences of our bad plans? Who is Ishmael and what are his characteristics? 20:12 Why didn't God allow Isaac to be born instead of Ishmael when Abram was 85 years old? The natural has to die before the spiritual comes forth. 21:10 Have you ever had good plans with bad results? 22:37 What can be wrong about Christians making their own plans? 23:20 How can we know in advance if our plans are good or bad? Be transparent, bw in community and be in His Word. 24:49 Should we submit to someone who is harsh? Why is it hard to submit? 1 Peter 2 verse 20, 1 Corinthians 7 verses 10-16. 27:27 When does a Christian need to run away from a tough situation? Flee persecution and immorality. 28:30 Who was wrong, Abram, Sarai or both? Both are are at fault but in different ways.

10:: Genesis 15 Justification by Faith, the Everlasting Covenant and the Purpose of suffering Explained

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 21.11.2023 · 17:20:34 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 15 Faith, Righteousness and an Everlasting Covenant. HOW Genesis 15 Explains Justification by Faith Chapter Breakdown 1 - Faith Made Strong 2-5 Faith Confused then Reassured 6 Faith Rewarded 7-12 Faith Tested 13-16 Faith Educated 17-21 Faith Welcomed 0:00 Review of Genesis 12, 13 and 14 - Our trials are blessings and our blessings are trials 2:30 Outines 2:58 How does Genesis 15 explain justification by faith? What is Faith? A trust transfer; Abram is giving up on trusting on himself. 5:23 What was Abram's concern and can a hristian have the same concerns? 5:54 How did God reassure Abram? To repeat and enlarge. 6:10 Is there anything amazing about Abram's response? Abram is helpless and old. 6:42 Why is a covenant made by God so important? He will keep it. 6:56 Verse 7-12 Abram is being tested. God tells Abram to sacrifice/worship and in response to hus worship, Abram gets more revelation of what the promise means. 7:44 What do the sacrifices mean? What do the parts of the sacrifices mean? 8:33 Why were the sacrifices 3 years old? They speak of the Lord's ministry which lasted 3.5 years. 9:19 Verse 8 - Does God punish Abram's descendants for his doubt? We have alternating periods in faith of darkness and light. 11:18 Why is there such suffering for his descendants? We have to see how barren we are to value Christ. 12:56 How will faith be rewarded in the end? God will consume all of His adversaries and the the largeness of the inheritance will be set forth.

11:: Acts 2:1-36 The Day of Pentecost, the Work of the Holy Spirit, Speaking in tongues and prophecy

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 16.11.2023 · 17:32:56 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Acts 2:1-36 The Day of Pentecost. What is the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit? What is Speaking in tongues and prophecy? 0:00 Introduction - Christianity is Righteousness, Joy, and Peace in the Power of the Holy Spirit 2:22 Speaker's Outline 5:46 What age does the Day of Pentecost begin? What is the purpose of this age? 7:08 With the outpouring of thebHoly Spirit, what became the three divisions of mankind? 8:35 How is the Church an expansion of God's grace? Where does the blessings that the Church enjoy come from? 9:10 Why did the God's salvation first come to the city of Jerusalem? 9:47 What are four outpourings of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts? Acts 2, 8, 10 and 19. 11:33 Why are there so many ineffective churches? A lack of the Holy Spirit moving and leading in the gathering. Jesus is not glorified. 12:54 What is the blood of Christ and the Spirit given for? The blood of Christ is given to cleanse our hearts who believe in Him. The Holy Spirit will bless the image of Christ in you. 15:49 Verses 1-13 What was it like for the Holy Spirit to come on the Day of Pentecost? An announcement of the arrival of the Age of Spirit of God. 17:47 Why did everyone in the room get filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? They're praying and of one mind. 19:01 What are three aspects of the oneness of the Church revealed in the New Testament? Oneness of the Spirit, of the mind, and of knowledge. 20:20 What was purpose of speaking in tongues on the Day of Pentecost? To get peoples attention. Why is speaking so important? 22:27 What is the mistake God's people could make about speaking in tongues? Exalting the method over the message. 23:35 Why did the Jews not understood what was going on when it was clearly spoken? What was the interpretation Peter gave of the Day of Pentecost? It is for the last days. 25:34 Who can have the power of the Holy Spirit? Everybody can have the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no division but differences in response. 26:40 What is the emphasis in the giving of the Spirit in the book of Joel? Prophecy and dreams. Events before the coming of Jesus Christ, the Spirit working to the end of the age. 28:03 Verses 22-24 What was the predetermined plan of God through the rejection and resurrection of Christ? To save the world. 29:40 Verse 33-36 What is the purpose of all the work of the Holy Spirit? For us to receive Jesus as Lord and Christ. 30:40 What is the significance of the Day of Pentecost? 31:52 How do we know when our experience is of the Holy Spirit or just of our own psyche? 32:39 What is the highest point of experience of the power of Holy Spirit? 35:22 What does speaking in "other tongues" mean? Speaking in a distinct language without prior training. 36:17 Which is better, prophecy or speaking in tongues? 1 Corinthians 13 37:30 What is prophecy? Can sisters prophecy? Prophecy is to build up, bind up and stir up. 39:52 1 Corinthians 12 vs.10 What is the purpose of "discerning of spirits"? 41:58 What are the five ways the Holy Spirit is working now? Bringing people to salvation, to sonship, to sanctification, to a powerful service, the spirit of glory to rest on us. 43:32 What is the Holy Spirit's ministry now? 44:06 Why is the Holy Spirit crucial and indispensable for our work today? Bible study, Expository preaching, growth, disciples, Jesus Christ, vision, Spiritual, healing, Holy Spirit, power, faith, repentence, religion, God's glory, Gospel, salvation, testimony, witness, answer, Acts 2, speaking in tongues, gifts of the spirit, Day of Pentecost, baptism, Last Days Signs, prophecy, Book of Joel, fulfillment, Jesus exalted, Outpouring, the blood, the cross, believe in Him, walk with Christ, innermost being, living waters, dreams, Ministry

12:: Acts 1 The Age of the Holy Spirit Has Come! The New Testament Church in Holy Spirit Power to Begin

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.10.2023 · 01:20:06 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Acts 1 Promised Power For a Worldwide Witness: God Gives His Power to Carry Out His Purposes New Testament Church History Begins 0:00 What is the emphasis of the book of Acts and how is that different from the emphasis in the book of Luke? 1:52 What is the power for a worldwide witness? Why does God give us this power? 4:09 Speaker's Outline of the Chapter 4:40 Where does the Church come from? What is the purpose of the Church? 6:45 Who was the first man to secured God's rights for undivided, unrivaled, unreserved worship? Jesus Christ. 8:17 Where is the central place where God's rights are recognized? The cross. 9:13 What is the big problem in Christians? 10:49 How does God prepare us to be witnesses? Personal training. 13:55 What is Jesus' last words to the discioles? Wait, receive and witness. 16:02 The Angel tells the Disciples to Get to work. 17:27 What is unified prayer? 19:29 Why is replacing Judas for a New Apostle Needed? What is casting lots? 23:24 Why did Jesus spend so much time giving proofs to His Resurrection and instruction about the Kingdome of God. 24:56 What does the number 40 in scripture speak of? 27:06 Why is it not helpful or necessary for the disciples to try and predict the exact timing of His Kingdom? 29:12 What is the purpose of eschatology? 30:42 What is the Holy Spirit's ministry? Why is Holy Spirit power required for us to effectively witness? 34:16 What needs to happen for the Spirit of God to flow through us? How does the Holy Spirit work? This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/@growupingrace?si=63Rz5XSz6Gy7SPeL https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg Bible study, Expository preaching, growth, disciples, Jesus Christ, vision, Spiritual, Holy Spirit, power, faith, repentance, religion, God's glory, Gospel, salvation, testimony, witness, speaking in tongues, gifts of the spirit, baptism, fulfillment, Jesus exalted, Outpouring, the blood, the cross, believe in Him, Ministry, Christianity, Explained, Acts 1, Jesus' Ascension, teaching, God's purpose, Promise, Church, Heavenly Body, Kingdom of God, The Return of Christ, corporate prayer, resurrection, times and epochs, sabbath day's journey, upper room, unified prayer, truth unites God's people, what is casting lots, Matthias replaces Judas, 40 days is significant in scripture, why won't Jesus tell us the exact timing of His return, immediate readiness doesn't mean His immediate return, progression of events, eschatology, we know sequence of events, we can know the general time but not the exact time, effective ministry of the Holy Spirit, empower us to be His witnesses

13:: Genesis 13 The Call of God or Sodom’s Wealth? Why Do Abram and Lot Separate? Is Wealth a Blessing?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.09.2023 · 19:54:01 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 13 Explained The Call of God or Sodom’s Wealth? Why Do Abram and Lot Separate? Is Wealth a Blessing From God? Speaker's Outline: Struggles and Strife in the Way of Life 1-4 Returning to the First Place 5-7 Crisis over Possession 8-13 Separation Solves the Problem, But... 14-18 Rewarded with Revelation and Permanent Possessions This is a Family Bible Study. 0:00 Speaker's Title and Outline 0:20 Where are the roots of your life? 2:17 How do we handle disagreements? 4:36 Audience Titles and Outlines 6:28 Why did Abram return to Beth-el 7:05 What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord? 9:13 Was the wealth of Abram and Lot a blessing? 10:50 Why did Lot have his own flock anyway? 12:29 Doesn't God bless us with providential blessing? 13:31 What is the ultimate blessing of our lives? 14:13 God has chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith 15:02 What is the difference between Abram and Lot with how they have their wealth? 15:52 Can a person who trusts the Lord be at home in Sodom? 17:38 What is the determining factor where we should make our home? 19:54 What is the significance of the Canaanites and Perizzites in the land? 20:52 Is there a future blessing in the land that is given to Abram? 23:02 Is there a blessing in having many children? 24:35 What good choices can we make as Christians based on the teachings of this chapter? 25:59 How can you give up opportunities for your own worldly wealth so you can be with those who are serving God? 26:35 More applications: losing an argument and separate and choose companions wisely 27:46 Where Is your heart? This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg

14:: Genesis 12 Abraham's Life of Faith, Why Does He Lie, Calling, Obedience, Education, Tower of Babel

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 13.09.2023 · 00:35:27 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 12 Explained Abraham' Stages of Faith - Calling, Obedience and Education 1 Separation 2-3 Expectation 4-9 Investigation 10-13 Temptation 14- 20 Education 0:00 Review of The Tower of Babel 1:46 What is new about Abram/Abraham? A walk of faith shown in stages versus the acts of faith 3:04 Why is Abraham's life so important? 5 Reasons 4:45 How is Abraham's faith different from the faith of Adam, Abel, Enoch and Noah? A dot versus a line. 7:02 What happened in the 365 years between the flood of Noah and Abraham? The earth is populated. 7:49 Why does God choose Abraham above other men of faith? 8:40 Speaker's Title and Outline 9:08 Audience's Titles and Outlines 9:53 What is uncomfortable about following God's ways? 11:23 When could Abram finally obey God's call? 12:59 What is God's call of separation to Abram? God's 3-Fold Command and Promise 15:12 What are 7 things Abram can expect when following God's call? Promise with the Command 18:19 How is Abram's separation similar to Peter getting out of the boat to walk on water? 19:08 What were the consequences of Abram lying to Pharaoh? Abram and Sarai are in the school of faith. 22:04 What is the significance of Abraham coming before the law? 22:45 Faith has stages. Choose separation no matter how you feel. Then you will have expectation. 23:36 Why is it important to investigate or survey the land for Christians? Investigation comes before the promise. 25:19 What are the temptations to overcome like Abram and how should we respond? The Fear of Being in Need and the Fear of Man? 26:30 Why is Abram's failure through his dishonesty not a reason to quit believing God? Get the degree. 28:08 How to interpret Abraham's faith through Hebrews 11 verses 8 through 10 This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg

15:: Genesis 11 The Tower of Babel - Rebellion, Failure, and a New Beginning. Evil of the System of Babel

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 01.09.2023 · 23:01:43 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 11 Explained The Tower of Babel - Rebellion, Failure, and a New Beginning 0:00 Titles and Outlines from the Audience 1:53 What happened to Eden? 2:18 How does Babel as a system represent evil in the world today? 2:56 What is the difference between Babel and Babylon? 3:15 Audience Participation:The Counterfeit Unity of Babel and Counterfeit Glory 5:29 An Age is Ending and A New Age is Beginning in How God is Working With Man 6:30 Why does God focus on confusing Babel's unified language? 8:14 How will God reach the nations in their disunity through Shem's line? 9:10 What is the true unity God is getting in Christians? God's Spirit 10:14 What was created from Babel? The Harvest. Now God is gathering people from all corners of the world. This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg

16:: Genesis 9:18-29 Noah’s Drunkenness and Failure, Ham and Canaan’s Curse, Shem and Japheth’s Blessing

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 28.08.2023 · 23:09:41 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 9:18-29 EXPLAINED FAMILY FAILURE BRINGS DIVINE REVELATION Noah’s Drunkenness and Failure, Ham and Canaan’s Curse, Shem and Japheth’s Blessing 18-19 Origin of the Nations 20-23 Failure and Response 25-27 Curse and Blessing 28-29 Life and Death of Noah 0:00 Why is Biblical history so important? First, it helps us to understand ourselves. 0:45 Why is Biblical history so important? Second, We can understand the Church today and it's struggles. 1:05 Why is Biblical history so important? Third, to trace the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1:19 Why is Biblical history so important? Lastly, so that we understand the New Testament revelation of salvation. 1:40 What weakness did Noah demonstrate in the New World after the flood? Indulgence 2:38 How do you respond when people fail? The way we respond to failure reveals our true nature. 3:05 Not all finish the same though they all have the same start. Illustration of a horse race. 3:51 Memories. What are the remnants of the Old World in this New World after the flood? 4:56 Gossip and Disrespect What is the sin of Ham and Canaan? 6:31 Cursed - a servant of servants What's the consequence of the sin of Ham and Canaan? 7:09 Speakers Title and Outline: 18-19 Origin of Nations 7:42 Our Worst Failures Come in a Time of Peace Like Noah in this Chapter 11:13 Lack of Love - What was Ham and Canaan's Failure? 11:39 They took pleasure in Noah's shame and told others about it in mockery. 12:54 What is the lesson for parents and children from Ham and Canaan's failure? 14:05 What is the lesson from Shem and Japheth's graciousness with their father, Noah? 14:49 What are the Good Results of Failure in the Church? 15:59 Comments from the audience about the sons' responses to Noah's failure. 17:57 What should you do or say to someone who is gossiping? 19:01 Who was Canaan and what was his role? 20:36 Why was Canaan important in the Genesis account? 21:28 What is the chronological order of the sons - oldest to youngest? Or who is spiritually more important? 23:16 What is the significance of the curse on Ham and Canaan? 23:27 Divine sovereignty and free will - God deals with us as individuals. 24:48 What is the significance of the blessing on Shem and Japheth? 25:58 How are these families of Shem, Ham and Japheth relevant to the history of the world? 28:48 What is significant about Noah living 350 years after the flood. 29:47 Warning About Major Sins that Destroy Families and Civilizations This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg

17:: Genesis 8/9 EXPLAINED Noah and the rainbow, God’s Universal Covenant of Grace for the NEW WORLD/AGE.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.07.2023 · 01:04:05 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 8:20-22 and Genesis 9:1-17 EXPLAINED Noah and the rainbow, God’s Universal Covenant of Grace for the NEW WORLD/AGE. Listen for the "RAINBOW HOUR" - Comments and Questions and Answers 0:00 Genesis is History: Why should we study Biblical History? 2:16 Genesis is looking forward to the end 2:50 Titles and Outlines from the Audience 4:22 Speaker's Title and Outline 5:04 What does "Making a Covenant" mean and what is the foundation of covenant? 5:46 Sacrifice - The Blood of Christ is the foundation upon which God would relate to us. 6:32 Love - a sweet smelling savour to God 8:26 Humility and taking responsibility 9:55 How does the covenant benefit the whole planet? God gives equal opportunity to everyone with regular seasons and instituting of government. 11:06 Unequal outcome with Noah's sons. Not everybody responds the same way to this covenant opportunity. 12:11 Genesis 9 verse 2 to 4 God is reaffirming that men and women will rule the Earth 12:38 How did God establish a peaceful civil order? What is the purpose of the death penalty? 13:37 Why did God make a covenant with Noah? 14:26 How is this a new stage in the history of salvation? This is an advance--bigger and better. 16:05 What does it mean to make a covenant? An agreement or contract based on promises. 16:50 What are the five covenants in scripture? Noah-unilateral , Abrahamic-unilateral, Sinai-bilateral-, Davidic, New Covenant 17:41 Why is God using a covenant? The bridge to relationship with God is covenant. 19:54 Who was affected by the covenant? Universal covenant of grace to the whole creation 21:07 The Rainbow Hour - Comments and Questions and Answers 22:17 How many colors are in the rainbow? The number 7 speaks of God's desire for union with His creation 22:50 In God's presence at the throne, the rainbow can be seen as a full circle and colored green. 23:47 How can there be different colors in a rainbow? Refraction. 24:37 What is the significance of the number four in scripture. 25:02 What does the rainbow in scripture represent? God coming in peace and showing patience. 25:56 What is the parallel between the covenant with the rainbow and the Gospel? 26:12 Is this the first time covenant is mentioned in scripture? 26:40 What is the significance that the life is in the blood and to be poured out? 28:34 Preview for Genesis 9 part 2. This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg

18:: Genesis 8 Noah Enters a New World, Resurrection, the raven, the dove, and burnt offering explained.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.06.2023 · 17:37:39 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 8 Explained Noah Enters a New World and New Age, Type of Resurrection, the raven, dove, burnt offering explained. Noah’s Ark, part 2. 0:00 The whole world is buried in the flood, especially the civilization of Cain. 0:56 Noah is a picture of resurrection because he enters into a new world 1:38 Genesis 8 vs. 1-12 and Acts2:25 Noah is waiting similar to Christ before resurrection 3:18 Genesis 8 vs. 13-19 Noah leaves the Ark in God's time 4:21 Genesis 8 vs. 20-22 Noah offers sacrifice - God wants worship. 5:39 1 Peter 3:20 Noah as a type of the resurrection, The ground Christians stand on is resurrection 6:48 Why do we have an evil conscience? 7:23 How do Christians have a good conscience now and all the way to the second coming? 9:01 Baptism means to immerse or submerge 9:30 Titles and Outlines - Audience participation 11:19 Noah is an incredible type of many truths in scripture. 12:26 1 Peter 3 vs. 18-20 Who is the spirits in prison referring to? 13:11 How long was Noah in the Ark? 13:35 Wasn't the flood forty days long? 15:38 Was it the first time it had ever rained? 16:18 Why did Noah send out a raven and a dove? 18:15 The dove is a type of the Holy Spirit and is looking for a clean place to rest. 19:28 What happened to the earth after the flood subsided? 21:17 In 2 Peter, the flood is held out as a warning of another judgment which will be by fire. 22:40 Why did Noah offer a burnt offering? A burnt offering in the new world. 23:45 It's the first place in scripture where you see a burnt offering. 25:16 Why is the study of the Book of Genesis important? This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg

19:: Genesis 6 Explained Escaping the Worldwide Flood, Details and Purpose of Noah’s Ark A Type of Christ

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 05.06.2023 · 23:45:12 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 6 Explained Escape By the Ark 0:00 Theme of Genesis 1-5 - The Unmixed Life and a Spirit-Filled Life 4:22 Titles, Outlines and Meanings from the Audience 7:51 Noah's Faith is needed to Bring Salvation 9:50 Five Things About Noah's Faith - Faith, Fear, Diligence, Condemns or Vindicates, Righteousness Imparted 13:24 Review of Genesis 1 to 5 16:51 The Current Situation - Mixing and Blending of the Godly with the Ungodly 17:19 What was the tipping point triggering judgement of the flood? 21:10 What was the result of the union between the sons of God and the daughters of men? 21:57 The Good News - Noah, a godly man, will bring rest 23:57 Details of Noah's Ark 24:19 How many animals could Noah's Ark hold? 25:26 What was the proportion and purpose of Noah's Ark? 26:20 What is the prophetic aspects of Noah's Ark? Salvation by Christ as pictured by the pitch, the window and the one door 29:36 What is the Challenge of Genesis 6 and Noah - Hear God's Word and Obey 31:00 Who were the mighty men of renown and where did they come from? This is a recording from a Family Bible Study with audience participation, open discussion plus a message/sermon. Our Bible Studies seek to encourage God's people to pursue faith, hope and love in practical ways with relevant application for our lives in these days before Jesus Christ's return. Please subscribe to our channel at Bible and Family Matters: https://youtube.com/channel/UCu3uLb5niQ--8FokBPzOAWg

20:: Genesis 5 Genealogy of the Faithful From Adam to Noah. Enoch Pleased God and was rewarded w/ rapture

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.05.2023 · 23:17:01 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 5 - The Genealogy of the Faithful or The Family Tree of the Faithful 0:00 Introduction 0:33 Review of Genesis 4 4:00 Outlines from the Audience 4:45 Question 1 - What do the first few verses say about God creating Adam then  Adam creating children with Eve? 6:50 What is the importance of geneology? 8:53 Why did people live so long? 11:18 Adam is the representative of the whole human race and starts the reign of death. 15:54 Meaning of Names in Genesis 5 to  Represent the Work of Christ (Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel) 18:14 Jared, Enoch, Methusala, Lamech, Noah 19:49 What is so special about Enoch and what did he represent? Enoch walked with God and pleased Him in a godless age. 21:18 Jude 14-15, Hebrews 11:5-6 Enoch - Enoch prophesied the future. Future expectation determines present behavior. 23:52 How many years did Enoch walk with God? 25:02 What was Enoch's Reward? - Rapture. Can we have the same reward? Yes, by faith. 26:50 The line of faith can continue with us by a personal choice of faith in Messiah. 28:24 Noah and His 3 sons - Prefillment of going from an old world to a new world.

21:: Genesis 4 Cain and the Blood of Abel, First Family, First Civilization, Geneology of Cain and Abel

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 13.04.2023 · 19:49:24 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· 0:00 Summary of Genesis 3, Casualties in Battle - Leadership and Marriage 3:14 Titles and Putlines from Audience and Speaker 6:06 Question: Who married Cain? Who could have wanted to kill Cain? 8:17 Why didn't God just kill Cain right away? 10:28 Genesis 4 verses 1 to 8 Crime - What made the offerings acceptable or unacceptable - the attitude made all the difference. 16:23 "Why is your countenance fallen?" 16:43 "Sin is crouching at the door." 17:54 Why did Cain kill Abel? He didn't want to change his way. 19:06 Genesis 4 verses 9 to 15 - God is not forgiving Cain 21:04 "Where is Abel your brother?" 21:46 "Am I my brother's keeper?" 22:23 Genesis 4 verses 16 to 24 - Cicilization - Sensual, Material and Intellectual 23:48 Why is Cain building a city? 25:41 Genesis 4 verses 25-26 Return to Worship - God's purpose is being restored through the promised son. 27:43 Where does the battle come down to? The heart, the home, the family and the church.

22:: Genesis 3:14-24 Adam and Eve. What is the curse, what is the serpent, and what is the tree of life?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 05.04.2023 · 04:29:26 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 3:part 2 verse 14-24 0:00 Introduction 0:20 Review of Genesis 3 part 1 verses 1 to 13 2:49 Outines from the audience 4:55 Speaker's Outline 5:28 Why is the serpent the tool of temptation? 6:48 What does it mean that the serpent will eat the dust? 9:17 What does it mean in 1 Peter 3:7 that the woman is the weaker vessel and how does it play out in family life today? 13:03 Genesis 3 verse 15 - Meaning of stinging of the Lord's heel and crushing of the serpents head 17:09 Evidence of emnity between the seed of the devil versus the seed of the woman in the cross of Christ 18:25 Effects of God's punishment on Eve and the husband and wife relationship - dissonance in the family 20:56 The Gospel of Grace destroys the work of sin in us and creates true harmony in Christ 22:39 Adam's sphere of responsibility and influence 23:22 Effects of God's curse on the ground 25:10 Adam returns to the dust of the ground. 26:38 Sons of God will bless the creation in the age of Christ's kingdom. 27:09 Genesis 3 verse 20 Sign of hope - Adam and Eve believe the Gospel 27:48 Genesis 3 verse 21 Adam and Eve clothed from an animal sacrifice 28:50 There will be a coming clothing with the first resurrection 29:22  Genesis 3 verses 22 to 24 Merciful Banishment - Angel's guarding the Tree of Life 30:48 The Tree of Life will come back to be enjoyed in Christ and in the 1st resurrection

23:: Genesis 3:1-13 explained. Why is there Forbidden Fruit, You Shall Be as God, & Hiding in the Garden

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 03.04.2023 · 03:09:19 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 3:1-13 part 1 0:00 Introduction: Understanding Genesis  helps us understand Revelation and everything in between 0:30 Genesis 2 in Review: The image of God in Adam and Eve in Paradise 2:29 Audience Participation: Outlines 3:33 Explanation of the Serpents Cunning: Satan possesses the serpent 4:20 Speaker's Outline of Genesis 3:1-13: Paradise is Lost or Downfall 4:39 What was Satan's strategy? What was his approach? Answers from the Audience 6:47 First strategy of the devil: "You shall not eat of any fruit of the garden?" Questioning God's love for us 7:50 Second strategy: Question God's truth-from doubt to denial 8:36 Third Strategy: The devil offers her to take God's place, power to question God's wants 10:22 How does power to be a god look today: examples in family relationships 12:29 How did Eve respond to Satan? How could she have responded? How did Jesus respond to Satan in the temptation? 16:17 Warning: We can know the truth but not be submitted to it. 17:05 Who was ultimately responsible for the fall of man? The first epidemic 20:05 Parents responsibility to protect their kids, fortify them with the truth and build a relationship of trust with them 22:33 How involved should parents be with their kids? 24:31 How important is it to have Bible reading in the home? 25:40 Adam where are you? Adam and Eve become aware of their nakedness and try to cover their shame. 28:42 Adam and Eve given an opportunity to confess with God's question, "Where are you?" 30:23 You shall be like God. Little gods in our communities today.

24:: Luke 16:19-31 Lazarus and the Rich Man Bible Study Compilation, Q & A on Sheol and 1st Resurrection

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.03.2023 · 03:32:08 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Luke 16:19-31 A Dramatic Reversal Through Divine Justice: We Reap What We Sow 0:00 How examples of rich people in the book of Luke is linked to the rich man in Luke 16 2:08 The Golden Link and Lesson for This Rich Man in Luke 16 4:52 This Rich Man Gets Divine Justice Because He is Selfish - A Dramatic Reversal of Divine Justice 7:34 We Get What We Deserve - Nobody Escapes Divine Justice - We Reap What We Sow 8:25 Outline of the Luke 16:19-31 9:55 The Story of Lazarus and the Rich Man is Not a Parable but History 10:29 Joyful Celebration and Open Suffering - The Rich Man Ignores Lazarus 11:29 A Look into Sheol -  Experience of Lazarus Comforted and the Rich Man in Pain 12:38 A Picture of Hell?  Or is this Hades/Sheol - A Temporary Holding Place For the Dead? 13:58 What You Deserve Begins At Death - The Word of God is The Way of Escape But It Is Neglected 15:33 How is the rich man's indifference to Lazarus' suffering just like selfish people in our culture today? 17:52 If this is not a parable, then what can God's justice look like after death? 20:04 Does the rich man go to hell because of his selfishness and does Lazarus go to heaven because of his poverty? 21:45 Where is Hades/Sheol? 23:40 What is paradise? 26:52 Don't Christians go to heaven when they die? 30:40 Why do people ignore the clear warnings like the five brothers of the rich man? 32:14 Why would warnings have been unconvincing to the rich man's brothers even if Lazarus had risen from the dead? What does their unwillingness to believe tell us about man's nature?

25:: Luke 15 Parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Sons. Can a Christian become a Prodigal Son?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 04.02.2023 · 03:59:52 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Luke 15 The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Sons. 0:00 Lost and Found 0:30 Who are the lost? God is searching for the ignorant, misguided and difficult people. 2:10 Outline:  Who are the sinful listeners and righteous critics? 6:00 What does it mean to be lost and to be found? 7:09 Where is my sheep? The parable of the lost sheep applies first to the backslider. 8:26 What are the sheep like? 8:58 Where is my coin? 9:45 Where are my sons? Younger son. 12:27 Where are my sons? Older son. 14:06 Question 1: From verse 7, why is there more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who need no repentance? 17:07 Question 2: From verse 8, what is the significance of lost persons being compared to a lost coin? Think about what a coin is used for. 19:33 Question 3: From verses 12-13, what caused the young man to be discontent, and why was he so determined to leave? 21:23 Question 4: From verse 17, what did it take for the younger son to reach the turning point to come to his senses and return to the blessed life he had rejected? 23:15 Is the parable about a Jewish father and son? 24:21 Why doesn't the father search for the son? 26:26 Question 5: From verse 28, is the older son justified in his anger about the celebration of his brother's return? Why would he think he is justified?

26:: Galatians 2, Emergency in the Church: Stand for truth, Paul’s Strong Leadership and example to stand

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 29.01.2023 · 04:13:52 ··· ···
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27:: Luke 12 1 to 34 Expository Teaching on the leaven of the Pharisees, Hypocrisy Greed worry

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 19.01.2023 · 23:21:15 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Luke 12:1-34 0:00 Introduction 0:28 God wants disciples for His Kingdom 2:00 What does it mean to seek God's Kingdom? 6:36 Don't call you enemies your frenemies. 7:15 Don't be infected with hypocrisy 9:42 What's the cure for a double life or  hypocrisy? Everything will be known. 11:37 Fear of being harmed by man. Fear God instead and know God cares for you. 13:15 Will you confess the Lord or deny the Lord? 14:05 Beware of greed. Covetousness is idolatry. 17:06 Why was the man a fool? He was not being rich toward God. 18:35 Anxiety is the third Enemy. 19:17 Supreme Attraction of God's Kingdom in contrast to the wrong "treasure" 21:15 How is the Leaven of the Pharisees, hypocrisy, spread and disguised? 23:52 What hidden things kept in secret shall eventually be revealed? 25:17 What makes the fear of God a more powerful motivator than the fear of man in times of persecution from bullies or tyrants? 28:02 How can greed harm a church? Why is being materialistic and being covetous a foolish way to live? 32:19 How can Christians be harmed if they allow worry and anxiety to control their heart? 33:06 Why does the Lord call His faithful group of believers a little flock? Why is it worth it to give up everything to have treasure in heaven?

28:: How to share the Christian faith effectively in the holidays and helpful tips for Gospel witnessing

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.12.2022 · 18:26:35 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· How to Effectively Share the Christian Faith in the Holidays 0:00 Ephesians 5:15-17 Understand what the Will of the Lord is 2:56 The FAITH is the greatest gift that we have to give in the holidays and throughout the year. 4:26 Acts 5:29-32 We must obey God and witness 6:59 Romans 1:16-17 What saves people? 9:47 The Blood of Christ transmits life and His death saves us. 11:43 1Timothy 2:3-4 Why do we even share the Gospel? God wants all to be saved. 12:27 Themes during the Holidays 13:44 Can we connect what saves people with what they are thinking about like Jesus did? 16:29 What do people think they need? 18:49 What do they really need? 20:20 How do you share effectively? 21:52 How to have a good conversation? 26:06 Helpful Tips For Effective Sharing in the Holidays 27:46 What results are we looking for? 29:14 Other Helpful Tips 31:51 Results God Wants through Us Sharing the Gospel.

29:: Friendship and Loneliness in the Church. How can churches be a place where we find answers?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 16.12.2022 · 21:55:53 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Friendship and Loneliness in the Church 0:00 Friendship with Jesus prepares us to be in the Bride of Christ 2:27 Situation Update - There is a need in the Church for True Friends 3:59 How to discern quality friends 4:33 What is Friendship and a Friend? Definitions 7:04 What is Loneliness? 8:17 Why are you Lonely? Imagined or Maturing Loneliness 11:31 Why are you still lonely? God-afflicting loneliness - A necessary but temporary loneliness 12:56 Self-inflicting loneliness - an unnecessary loneliness 13:52 Do you live under the tyranny of the urgent, the past and other people's opinions of you? 15:12 Warning for the rebellious and cold hearted 15:40 Concluding thoughts on Loneliness 16:36 How can you make a friend? Strategies 19:38 How can we be a friend? Not the Me-First Attitude 20:42 Brotherhood 27:00 What does a false friend look like? Descriptions and warnings 33:37 Answers from the Audience of what a false friend looks like 35:06 How can churches be a place where Christians find answers? 40:07 Closing Thoughts and Application: Same consistent care for one another

30:: Genesis 2 What is Man? Part 3, Different from Animals, Purpose of the Garden of Eden and Two Trees,

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 03.12.2022 · 11:00:05 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Genesis 2 What is Man? Part 3 0:00 How was Adam formed? 0:27 What is special about our creation? 1:01 Man is not a highly intelligent animal 2:34 Man is a moral agent. 2:50 The Two Trees, Why was God's negative commandment given to Adam? 4:56 How can we learn and discern good and evil? 5:57 Why does the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil exist? 7:21 What is the purpose of the Garden of Eden? 9:28 Our creation sets us up for our ultimate purpose 10:04 God wants to sever us from idols so we can be His true companions

31:: Genesis 1 What is Man? Part 2 - Man’s Origins, Purpose and History, What Existed Before Creation?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.11.2022 · 17:55:50 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· 0:00 The worlds were prepared by the Word of God 0:13 The Christian has the most cogent answer to why we are here 0:52 Science and scripture are not opposed 1:40 Francis Schaeffer quote 2:34 Day 3, 4, 5 and 6 of creation 3:35 Significance of the sixth day and man's purpose 4:10 God's image inside of us and free will of man 5:22 the image of Jesus Christ being formed in us 5:57 What was before the beginning? 6:56 Men and women are not made for the earth but for heaven 7:46 The creation is just a backdrop to having a relationship with¹ God Himself 8:21 Comparing Genesis 1 to John 1 God is bringing forth light

32:: What is Truth? The Biblical Answer. Touching the Infinite Unchangeable God. Reality of Who God Is.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 03.11.2022 · 05:07:46 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· 0:00 You need truth, not lies 0:23 Truth comes through the Word of God (Bible) 0:36 Truth has to do with reality and is everlasting 1:03 Truth has to do with who God is  and His purposes 1:41 The truth that Abraham found is the same truth we can have today 3:23 Ceremonies do not equal truth. Relationship with God is based on truth. 4:29 Apprehending truth 4:53 Knowledge crisis - the will suppresses the truth 5:14 Example of a hard heart and blindness 6:45 The confusion in churches 10:24 What is essential for Christians

33:: Men and Women: Elevating Both at the Same Time. Feminine and Masculine is from the Heart of God.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.10.2022 · 18:20:02 ··· ···
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34:: What is man? Part 1 Spirit, Soul and Body. Hebrews 4:12 What is the Word of God doing inside of us?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.10.2022 · 05:48:24 ··· ···
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35:: Expository Teaching on Genesis 46, New Home for Jacob's Family, Joy at Reunion in God's Leading

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.10.2022 · 18:17:55 ··· ···
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