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TP-Link XZ000-G3 Unlocked Firmware (Reveal Hidden Configurations)

· 08.03.2023 · 18:00:21 ··· ··· Wednesday ·· 3 (3) Van Tech Corner
Recently, I flashed a modified firmware on the TP XZ000-G3 and gain access to the hidden configuration including changing the GPON Vendor ID, Serial Number, ONT version, Software Version and Equipment ID, etc.
I can also access to IoT configuration and GPON CTC configuration. From this, I can integrate this GPON ONT with other ISP and this is what I am going to do in the next video.
In order to get this "unlocked" modified firmware, you have to dump mtd0 of the device and use a script to unpack & repack it. At the momment, only Michał Obrembski is working on the final revision and he plan to share this guide next week.

Video timeframe:
00:00 - The current Web-UI with limited configuration
01:12 - Flash the modified firmware with the Web-UI
02:50 - The "unlocked" Web-UI
04:21 - The "unlocked" GPON Configuration

That is all for this video. See you in the next update!

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