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True Revival is Restoration of the Kingdom of David

· 23.04.2023 · 20:30:39 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 מיכאל אליהו בן-דוד Micha'el BenDavid Official
Shalom Beloveds,

To whom much is given much is required! As we all know King Solomon was given much by YHVH! All that was required of him in turn was was to love and serve YHVH with all of His heart and guard His commandments! But towards the latter part of his life he got too wise for himself and was no longer loyal to the One True Elohim, YHVH, the God of his father David!

King Solomon, son of David, took on too many wives and in his later years they led his heart astray to worship false gods and he built altars and temples for their pagan gods in East Jerusalem where there is still so much contention in the spiritual realms. NO WONDER! And as a result of this grave SIN, the Kingdom was divided and the Northern kingdom was formed and they instituted their own priesthood and built their own temples and altars that Elohim had not instructed them to do. Hence Jeroboam established the foundation of all Replacement theologies till this day. The Messiah came to re-gather the Lost Sheep of the Tribes of Israel back to the Kingdom of the Son of David. And He will come one last time to gather the House of David and all of Judah (Zechariah 12) We delve into that a bit and want to know what a true Revival should look like..

Hope this teaching finds you well and is a blessing to someone out there....

(For featured song please click link https://emetzion.bandcamp.com/track/kol-israel-yivasha-all-israel-will-be-saved)

ENJOY!!! Rich blessings all :)

In His great love,
Micha'el ~ His Beloved!

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