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रामराज्य ?

· 17.05.2023 · 04:00:10 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 AVM
The term Ramrajya is used as an ideal social order
Such a system should be established in which all the people of the society are happy.
Not only the ancientists but also those who call themselves secular definitely use this word as an ideal social system.

If Ramrajya, the governance and social system of Ram's time is presented in an ideal, then it becomes necessary to see what were the characteristics of Ramrajya. Was Ram Rajya really an ideal system of government in which people were happy, prosperous and dutiful and in which the ruler or king performed his duties towards the public efficiently?

Rama is mentioned as a king in the Uttara Kanda.
That's why how Ramrajya was, it can also be known on the basis of Uttar Kand only.
One more thing is that the Ramrajya concept being so famous is also a proof that people have never considered Uttar Kand as projected.

Ram's daily routine

His daily routine was such that it was not possible to find time to concentrate on governance. Ram's daily routine was such that he used to take out time to pay attention to the state work while listening to the instrumental music by the singers and instrumentalists.

Tasyan Rajanya Vyushtayan Pratapatibodhka :. Vandinah Samupatisthan Saumya Nripati Veshmani .. Te Raktakanthinah Sarve Kinnara Iv Shikshitah. Tushtavupati Veeram Yatavat Sampraharshinah

(Uttar Kand 37/2,3)

Means: When the night was over, when it was morning, the gentle prisoners appeared in the palace in the morning to wake up Ram. Their voices were very melodious, well versed in the art of music like eunuchs, those worshipers duly started the praise of the heroic king.

Sutascha sanstvairdivyairbodhayanti sm raghavam. Stutibhi: Stuyamanabhi: Pratyabudhyat Raghavah..

(Answer Case 37-10)

Means: The yarn also kept waking up Raghunath with divine praises. Ram wakes up by the praises recited in this way. After getting up, Ram needed thousands of servants to retire from the bath.

The king who needs thousands of servants for his bath, can he be an ideal king, can his rule be an ideal rule?

Rituals and worship of Brahmins

According to the description of Ram's daily routine found in Ramayana, Ram did not get free time only from enjoyment, religious rituals and service of Brahmins.

Kritodakaḥ Shuchirbhūtva Kale Huthutaśanaḥ. Devagaram Jagamashupunyamikshvakusevitam .. Tatra Devan Pitrna Vipraranchayitva Yathavidhi: . "Baikhyakshyaamantaram Ramo nirjagaama janairvrutah"..

(Uttar Kand 37/13,14)

Means: After retiring from the rituals in the morning, Ram performed the Havan. Then went to the temple served by the ancestors. After worshiping the gods, ancestors and Brahmins there, Ram went to the Raj Sabha with the gentlemen.

· 17.05.2023 · 04:00:10 ··· MiTTwoch
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