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Luke 12 1 to 34 Expository Teaching on the leaven of the Pharisees, Hypocrisy Greed worry

· 20.01.2023 · 01:21:15 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Luke 12:1-34

0:00 Introduction
0:28 God wants disciples for His Kingdom
2:00 What does it mean to seek God's Kingdom?
6:36 Don't call you enemies your frenemies.
7:15 Don't be infected with hypocrisy
9:42 What's the cure for a double life or  hypocrisy? Everything will be known.
11:37 Fear of being harmed by man. Fear God instead and know God cares for you.
13:15 Will you confess the Lord or deny the Lord?
14:05 Beware of greed. Covetousness is idolatry.
17:06 Why was the man a fool? He was not being rich toward God.
18:35 Anxiety is the third Enemy.
19:17 Supreme Attraction of God's Kingdom in contrast to the wrong "treasure"
21:15 How is the Leaven of the Pharisees, hypocrisy, spread and disguised?
23:52 What hidden things kept in secret shall eventually be revealed?
25:17 What makes the fear of God a more powerful motivator than the fear of man in times of persecution from bullies or tyrants?
28:02 How can greed harm a church? Why is being materialistic and being covetous a foolish way to live?
32:19 How can Christians be harmed if they allow worry and anxiety to control their heart?
33:06 Why does the Lord call His faithful group of believers a little flock? Why is it worth it to give up everything to have treasure in heaven?

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