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Genesis 16 Trouble in the Tents of Faith: Results of Abram and Sarai’s bad plans. Who is Ishmael?

· 02.12.2023 · 08:58:57 ··· Samstag ⭐ 5 🎬 42 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Genesis 16 Trouble in the Tents of Faith

1-3 Why is There Trouble
4-6 Short Term Consequences
7-9 How to Respond
10-16 Long Term Consequences

0:00 Review of Genesis 15 - Justification by faith is explained, a covenant given to Abram
1:26 What does the life of Abram shows us as Christians
2:21 Prophecy and our current culture. Matthew 16 verse 1 to 3 Do we recognize the signs of the times?
6:32 Titles and Outlines - Audience Participation
8:20 Speaker's Outline
8:55 Verses 1-3 Why is there trouble? Sarai and Abram are impatient. Trouble in the family gives birth to trouble in the country
12:25 Where did Sarai get the idea to have a child by Hagar?
13:07 Verse 6 to 9 How do we respond to authority? What is the divine guidance in verse 9?
14:18 How does Galatians 4 verses 21 to 28 interpret the principles from Genesis 16? It's a conflict of law and grace.
16:52 What does a Hagar-like Church look like? It is filled with legalism.
17:38 What does it look like for Churches to be like Sarai? Filled with the Holy Spirit.
18:26 What are the 2 natural responses to trouble? Fight or Flight. What's the third option? Submit.
18:47 What are the long term consequences of our bad plans? Who is Ishmael and what are his characteristics?
20:12 Why didn't God allow Isaac to be born instead of Ishmael when Abram was 85 years old? The natural has to die before the spiritual comes forth.
21:10 Have you ever had good plans with bad results?
22:37 What can be wrong about Christians making their own plans?
23:20 How can we know in advance if our plans are good or bad? Be transparent, bw in community and be in His Word.
24:49 Should we submit to someone who is harsh? Why is it hard to submit? 1 Peter 2 verse 20, 1 Corinthians 7 verses 10-16.
27:27 When does a Christian need to run away from a tough situation? Flee persecution and immorality.
28:30 Who was wrong, Abram, Sarai or both? Both are are at fault but in different ways.

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