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Acts 21 Bible Study w/ Q & A, How to Know God’s Will, Who is Phillip, his pure daughters and Mnason?

· 22.03.2024 · 12:00:02 ··· Freitag ⭐ 1 🎬 28 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Hard Journey to A Hard City: How to Find God's Perfect Way, Despite Confusion and Contradiction

Making decisions in the will of God is hard.

0:00 Jerusalem is a hard city. There is spiritual hardness and a core of people there who will refuse to hear the truth and unwilling to submit to Jesus.
1:42 Some Christians want an easy journey. It's hard for disciples to understand the hard truths. God's way may not feel good but ARE good.
4:05 What is the safest place in the world? Being in the center of God's will.
4:42 Paul's heart is for God's will to be done with him. Can we know God's will when others do not?
5:58 Speaker's Outline: Acts 21 1 to 16 All sections talk about what's given to Paul on his journey by God's people, Church leaders, Jewish accusers and the Roman government.
10:16 Acts 21 1 to16 What do we get on the hard journey? Warmth, warning, weeping and welcome.
13:00 Acts 21 11 The warning with Agabus - The Holy Spirit is preparing Paul for what's to come. That's why there's warnings.
14:22 Acts 21 5 - The first place in Acts that children are mentioned. Take your children to he with God's servants.
15:22 The picture of what church should always be.
15:42 Weeping and breaking Paul's heart. Love is vulnerable but the love of Christ cannot be manipulated. Learn how to handle serious topics with others. Don't be talked out of God's will because of friendships. What matters is the will of the Lord be done.
19:10 Welcome - Do you find welcome in any Christian home.
19:44 Acts 21 8 - The welcome of Phillip. Phillip's home is like a lighthouse. He welcomes Paul into his home but there's no competition.
20:57 Phillip's four virgin daughters. There's immorality in the Roman world. Sisters can prophesy and express the mind of the Lord. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. The daughters are pure and follow in the truth that Phillip preached. Obey the Holy Spirit. Be pure women.
24:43 Acts 21 16 Mnason a disciple from the beginning. He's showing hospitality and he is doing what he can.
25:30 Acts 21 20 False Reports of Paul spread. He is not attacking Judaism but he's saying that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Judaic system. Pass on the right news. Counsel to conceal his identity.
27:15 Compromise to get conciliation. Zealous for the law is the immature life. It's not conformity to formality but it's conformity to reality that matters.
29:05 How can we share our concerns with God's servants without being controlling or without persuading them the wrong way? How can we avoid ignoring good advice that can save our lives? With questions about decisions we need to make.
35:33 Why are aged Christians like Mnason undervalued and neglected? What can we do to have inter-generational care between believers of all ages?
41:58 What does Paul mean that he becomes "all things to all men" in order to save some? When is accommodation harmful or overdone and can ruin your testimony or witness?
51:01 How do we deal with enraged mobs and fanaticism in people we really love? How do you work with relatives and friends who say that YOU are the fanatic and try to silence you?

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