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Mit ZETROS 4x4 EXMO nach Ísafjörður & Dynjandi Waterfall - EXPEDITION ICELAND (43)

· 02.10.2023 · 14:04:22 ··· Montag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Pete Ruppert UNIVERSE
#zetros #vanlife #iceland
After indulging in some Fish and Chips and playfully conquering the funny virtual 3D zebra crossing in Ísafjörthur, Team Deltaforce ventured through a peculiar tunnel system to reach the edge of the world. But before they could get there, they encountered the Dynjandi Waterfall along the way. This waterfall is among the most impressive in Iceland. To ascend its heights, the comrades had to fight their way through the assaults of marauding Arctic terns! The Dynjandi River plunges several hundred meters down the rock edges here, forming a total of 7 waterfalls before flowing into the vast Borgarfjördur Fjord. Among the 7 waterfalls, Dynjandi reigns supreme. Though it might appear serene and picturesque from a distance, its up-close performance lives up to its name –
"The Resounding One!" It's a thunderous, monumental spectacle that commands attention.So, as the Dynjandi River struts its stuff, cascading like a waterfall diva, our brave explorers forge their path to the edge of the world. The river flows, the birds squawk, and Team DeltaForce continues their journey, leaving behind a symphony of splashes and squabbles. Who knew a waterfall could be this extra? Iceland, you truly are a land of natural wonders and unexpected battles with feisty birds! @madundderleutnant

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