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DUC Cobra Propeller Installation on Tarragon Aircraft - more Function Tests.. #aviation #flying

· 22.03.2024 · 19:46:32 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Pete Ruppert UNIVERSE
As #tarragonaircraft upgrade progresses, our focus shifts to the heart of our propulsion system: the DUC - Helix Cobrablack constant speed propeller. While our collaboration with Sergio's Hangar Workshop has brought this impressive component to life, our journey towards enhanced performance continues.
Recent testing has highlighted challenges with the propeller blades' maneuverability, prompting a thorough reevaluation of our approach. Our team is hard at work in the workshop, fine-tuning the electric motor responsible for mid-flight blade adjustments.
Technicians meticulously calibrate each component, ensuring precision and responsiveness with every tweak. Our commitment to optimizing performance and ensuring safety is unwavering as we navigate this crucial phase of the upgrade process.
Stay tuned for further updates as we overcome these challenges and push the boundaries of aviation innovation. Together, we're poised to soar to new heights with the Tarragon Aircraft. @madundderleutnant

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