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Washington D.C. on the Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day, 8th of May 1945)

· 05.12.2019 · 17:00:17 ··· ··· Thursday ·· 4 (4) chronoshistory
Music by Antoine Marsaud: Piano Ostinato

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Washington D.C., the 8th of May 1945. It is the “Victory in Europe Day“ or V-E Day for short. This day marks the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, bringing an end to the long and brutal war in Europe. Other countries, for example Russia, Serbia or Israel, celebrate on the 9th of May.
After Hitler committed suicide on the 30th of April in his Führerbunker, Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz became Hitlers successor as the head of state, according to his last will and testament. Karl Dönitz first signed an early version of the “German Instrument of Surrender“ on the 7th of May, and a definitive version was later signed in Berlin on the 8th of May, by the representatives of the “Oberkommando der Wehrmacht“ and the allied forces, as well as the High Command of the Soviet Red Army.
Harry Truman, here seen standing in the middle, the newly elected president of the United States held speeches to further inform his citizens about the end of the war in Europe.
This shot was taken on the Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington D.C. and in the background, you can see the United States Capitol or Capitol Building.
After the end of the war in Europe, the Allied Forces could concentrate on Japan, which was the last remaining enemy in this war. The first call for unconditional surrender was rejected by the Japanese Government, as they believed more favorable surrender terms would be achievable. In an attempt to finally end WW2, Truman ordered, that the two atomic bombs “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” should be dropped on the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On the 15th of August the Japanese finally surrendered, marking this day as the official “Victory over Japan Day” in the UK. The signing of the surrender document then happened on the 2nd of August, officially ending WW2 and marking this day as the V-J Day in the US.

Footage in original color and HD before restoring for the documentary “Spirit of Liberation" (Kronos Media, 2016)
Watch here the new restored pictures in our film trailer: https://goo.gl/CU0hUP

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🧠 Film 📺

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