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PlayThrough TV // Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen | Ep. 21 When Brothers Fall

· 16.04.2023 · 23:44:19 ··· Sonntag ··· nicridicTV
The adventure continues!
We further the reaches of our map, expanding its borders and uncovering the places we have yet to explore like Barta Crag. Through the lady thieves crossing, beyond the creepy woods all the way to Soulflayer Canyon. We out here slicing off snakehead tails and cutting down goat heads and lion manes along the way! What is a cyclops to a cliff but a dying leaf on a tree, just waiting to fall! Having no lady clothes, we are forced to fight our way through the thieves, just to be met by some undead sorcerers just hanging out in the foggy fields causing trouble. As we breached the canyon, all was well, little did we know of the foreboding troubles awaiting our band of hearty warriors. Will the dangers of their exploration leave them scarred and left for dead? Will we ever learn to stop travelling at night? Have we arrived too soon?
Tune in & find out!


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