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Acts 20 17-38 How to Recognize True Spiritual Leadership? Exhortations and Encouragements to Elders.

· 26.02.2024 · 21:46:41 ··· Montag ⭐ 5 🎬 79 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Bible Study Expository Teaching in Acts 20 17 to 38 Exhortations and Encouragement to Elders to Lead, Sacrifice, and Care for God’s People
Recognize and Support His Shepherd of His Flocks.

Paul’s Burden is to talk to the elders on the essential truths for all churches about what matters for church leadership.

0:00 Exhortations and Encouragements to Elders. What matters for Church Leadership?
1:40 What does Church in Ephesus mean? The New Testament Church is a community of churches in a city.
2:57 Why is Paul meeting with the elders? When you strengthen the leadership, you strengthen the churches.
3:28 Christianity is not about having titles. The elders are Holy Spirit made men. They don't come from a vote.
4:33 How do Elders fail? If they see their title as a job and not as a calling.
6:00 Exhortation means get to work. Encouragement means you can get the work done. Men who will show up and do the job is what God is looking for.
7:20 Those who lead and those who are led need to be one. Everyone can recognize true spiritual leadership.
8:46 People treat church leaders like actors and care only about the performance and not the person.
12:03 Leadership is not ownership but stewardship.
12:33 Acts 20 17 to 21 Paul's Attitude and Approach. He is not duplicitous. He cares about God's people and went into the homes.
18:09 What type of church should you be in? Individuals and families are the foundation stone of church growth.
19:26 Christianity is NOT the religion of hermits. You're not hiding in your home. The church and the home are to be one continuous life together, connected all the time.
20:25 What is the progression in the sections of the outline? Future, past and present
21:02 Acts 20 22 to 25 FUTURE - Can this be your life? Paul is a model for the elders. Finish the work. That's the way to end. It's not an easy work. The office of the elder is a fine work.
22:11 Acts 20 26 to 35 PRESENT - How do you live? He's faithful, not popular. Is God pleased? He is careful to be innocent of the blood. If you keep your mouth shut when you should speak, you share the guilt. Be on guard. Take heed to yourself, the flock, the wolves and traitors.
24:40 The Holy Spirit makes elders. What do overseer and elder mean? Episcopal. In the Church of God Titles are not emphasized and many times to be refused. Oversight of the flock. Elders and bishops are the same person. Position and work.
26:40 Generosity. There's nothing like asking for money that will ruin your testimony. God will provide. Let needs be known in the work of the Lord. Don't ask for yourself. Paul wasn't in it for personal gain. More blessed to give than to receive. The devil's servants are taking. The Lord's people are giving out of love. Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul mind and strength.
30:00 What is good leadership? Holy Spirit birthed leadership. Authority without authoritarianism, discipleship without dictatorship, flexibility without folly, guidance without control, criticism without destruction, sacrifice without fanaticism, dignity without folly. Who you are as a leader is what matters the most. Read Titus 2.
32:39 Describe both the inner life and practices of effective Christian leadership. The inner life of a shepherd is to be a sheep. A shepherd is one of His sheep.
35:08 What kind of impact does a home of service and hospitality have on the guests and on the families who serve them? Sacrifice. The work is changing you and the ones around you. Are you willing to change? Relationships and a place to connect. Church should be like home.
39:36 Impact on the guest - God loves you.
40:08 Impact on the families who serve - My home and the church is the same culture. No duality or hypocrisy. The church is invading the world with the culture of heaven. Jesus Christ is the culture, not your race or ethnicity, gender, economic status.
42:11 What are some important life projects and commitments that seem hard to finish? Salvation, having children, marriage.
44:08 Homeschooling or taking responsibility for the education of your children.
44:44 Don't waste your time on the wrong projects and commitments
45:03 What truthful advice can we give someone or yourself to help stay on the path of God's purpose and focused on His calling to the end?
48:27 How is it possible to share the "whole purpose of God" yet still bring fresh and new insights that keep us from being trapped in trendy movements or inflexible theology? Really all 66 books of the Bible. Relevance of the Bible.
51:01 What "counsels of God" are not consistently taught in the Church yet, if dwelt upon, would benefit believers in any circumstance and prepare us for the end of the world? Rewards, consequences, responsibility, controversial issues. Justification, sanctification and glorification.
54:40 What barriers and distractions do we face today amongst believers of vibrant Christian giving? Worrying about our image, entertainment, vacations, overspending, credit card debt

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