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Pastor Godman Akinlabi on Leadership: Accountability, Capability, and Credibility

· 04.02.2024 · 08:34:08 ··· ··· Sunday ·· 7 (0) News Central TV
In a society where leaders and role models are revered, the expectations placed on them are significant. Godman Akinlabi, the Global Lead Pastor at The Elevation Church, sheds light on the essential qualities that leaders should embody: accountability, capability, and credibility. Accountability stands as a cornerstone for effective leadership.

Leaders are entrusted with responsibilities, and being accountable means taking ownership of their actions and decisions. Akinlabi emphasises the importance of leaders being answerable to those they lead, fostering trust and transparency within the community.

Capability, according to Akinlabi, is another crucial trait for leaders. It goes beyond having the skills and knowledge required for the role; it involves the continuous development of one's abilities. Leaders must be adaptable, willing to learn, and equipped to navigate the complexities of their positions.

Credibility is the third pillar highlighted by Akinlabi. Leaders must be seen as trustworthy and genuine by their followers. Building credibility involves consistency, integrity, and aligning actions with words. Akinlabi emphasizes the power of leading by example, as leaders who embody the values they preach gain the trust and respect of those they lead.

Akinlabi's insights serve as a reminder that leadership is a dynamic and multifaceted responsibility. True leaders recognise the weight of their roles and actively work towards being accountable, capable, and credible. In doing so, they not only fulfil their obligations but also inspire and uplift those who look up to them.

Hosts: Osarogie Ogbonmwan and Olive Emodi

1. Godman Akinlabi, Global Lead Pastor, The Elevation Church
2. Mubarak Al-Kadiyar, Relative of Victim

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