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Hannah - Handmaid of the Highest: Character Study #3 'Hannah and her Loan'

· 28.04.2024 · 08:30:06 ··· ··· Sunday ·· 7 (0) Bible Truth And Prophecy
A @Christadelphians Video: Hannah dedicates her son Samuel to God, offering sacrifices and leaving him at the sanctuary. She prays a powerful song, prophesying the downfall of the corrupt priests and the rise of a new anointed leader.
00:00 - Intro 🕒 Hannah brings her son Samuel to the sanctuary, fulfilling her vow to dedicate him to God.

01:25 🕒 The weaning of Samuel marks a significant milestone in his life and moral development.

03:10 🕒 Hannah offers sacrifices and brings Samuel to Eli, symbolizing her loan of him to God.

05:55 🕒 The size and significance of the offerings Hannah brings indicate the importance of Samuel's dedication.

08:20 🕒 Hannah quotes Eli's words back to him, expressing gratitude for God answering her prayers.

10:40 🕒 Hannah declares that she has lent Samuel to the Lord for life, fulfilling her vow.

12:15 🕒 Hannah's joy and faith overshadow any sadness as she surrenders Samuel to God.

- 💡 Hannah's prayer reflects her deep understanding of scripture and her unwavering trust in God's providence.
- 💡 She sees Samuel as a child of promise, destined for a life of service to Yahweh.
- 💡 Hannah's song prophesies the downfall of the corrupt priests and the rise of a new anointed leader.
- 💡 Her use of the term "anointed" suggests the coming of a priestly and kingly figure, foreshadowing the Messiah.
- 💡 Hannah's willingness to give up her son demonstrates her faith and commitment to God's greater purpose.
- 💡 She sees the importance of replacing the corrupt priesthood with a new order that upholds the truth and righteousness.
- 💡 Hannah's prayer serves as a model for how we should pray, using scripture as the language and thought of our prayers.

This video was produced by the ChristadelphianVideo.org project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide.
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