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Avoiding Horoscopes & Genealogies as a Christian is a MUST!

· 29.03.2022 · 23:00:11 ··· Dienstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Jenelle Davis
In Titus Chapter 3, Apostle Paul wrote his disciple, Titus when he was in prison. He told them that God wanted them to stay away from seeking "signs" and genealogies. When you look deeper into the text, genealogy in the greek was referring to astrology, myths and signs that the jewish people were participating in in order to seek the future. They weren't going to God!

Paul encouraged Titus to keep reminding the church that God is always with them and the church can turn to God for answers and not some myths and genealogies that are not profitable for the soul.

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🧠 📺

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