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Resurrection Sabbath. The Sign of the Messiah: "3 days and 3 nights" 🔎🔍

🎞️ · 24.06.2020 · 23:36:38 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 53 🎬 1812 📺Menorah888
🎬 · 24.06.2020 · 23:36:38 ··· MiTTwoch
😎 · 22.09.2024 · 06:57:44 ··· Sonntag
Jesus has fulfilled THE SIGN OF THE MESSIAH! He has risen after "3 days and 3 nights". This is what the text of the Bible says. The basic Greek text of the Bible does not say "on the first day of the week", nor "on a Sunday", nor "after a Sabbath". The Good Friday Easter Sunday tradition is not biblical, since the Holy Scripture teaches that Jesus' resurrection was on a Sabbath morning. Many old Catholic Bibles even speak of the resurrection of Jesus "on a Saturday morning." Jesus rose "early on the first Sabbath" (Mk 16:9), that is, on the first of the seven Sabbaths between Passover (15th Nisan) and Pentecost, which are counted every year.

Most people and even most Christians in the world, deny the most important sign in the history of the universe and portray their Lord Jesus Christ as a liar who supposedly did not know what He was saying. This is wrong. Jesus did not lie to us and did not mean the "3 days and 3 nights" symbolically, but He is the Word of God and He knew exactly what He was saying and what He did not say. He has fulfilled the sign of the Messiah. He was "3 days and 3 nights" in the heart of the earth. Do you believe Jesus?

However, most pastors wish for the resurrection of Jesus on a Sunday so that they can sanctify this pagan day and separate themselves from the Sabbath. By postponing the resurrection of Jesus by one day, a Roman holiday was to be made a new holy Christian day of rest and God's Sabbath was to be degraded to a preparation day. The goal of this unbiblical theory was that Christians should rest on the same Roman (or Babylonian, Egyptian) holidays of the sun god as the Gentiles. Therefore the sign of the Messiah was declared invalid, because otherwise nothing would speak for the sanctification of Sunday.

The world hates the Sabbath and the world hates the truth. Therefore they twist the statements of the Bible and claim that the Sabbath, which is mentioned exactly 70 times in the New Testament, always means the "Sabbath", except on the day of Jesus' resurrection. Here the 100% identical word, in the singular and plural at once and without reason, is supposed to mean "on the first day of the week", "on a Sunday" or "after the Sabbath". These are heresies from another spiritual world. The truth is: God has mentioned the Resurrection Sabbath exactly 7 times in the Resurrection chapter, so that we do not think of any other day and so that there are no misunderstandings or disputes among Christians.

It has always been very important for God to tell us that Jesus resurrected on His day and not on the holiday (Sunday) of His murderers. Why should God abolish His own holy day (Sabbath) and make the holiday (Sunday) of Jesus' murderers a new holy day? Jesus did not desecrate the only blessed day in the history of mankind and did not replace it with the holiday (Sunday) of the pagan peoples, but on the contrary, He further enhanced the Sabbath through the resurrection on the Sabbath day.

This does not mean, however, that Christians in the New Covenant are obliged to keep the Sabbath and the other commandments of the Old Testament in the same way as the Jews, for we have been justified by the faith and blood of Jesus Christ. This does not change the fact that all 4 gospels speak in the original Greek language of the resurrection of Jesus on a Sabbath morning. And for nearly 1,500 years it was almost impossible to find a Bible that speaks of an alleged Sunday resurrection, because almost all (Catholic and Protestant) Bibles spoke of Saturday morning or Sabbath morning. Daniel 12:4 predicted that knowledge would increase in the last days, and this also includes knowledge of the true day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Do you believe Jesus' words or do you deny the sign of the Messiah, the most important sign in the history of the universe?

More information (Resurrection Sabbath):

The sign of the Messiah:

The opinions of the churches:

Old Bibles show the resurrection of Jesus on a Saturday/Sabbath morning:

Historic Bibles:

English Bibles:

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