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Three Days Before the Election: Church, Society and Politics in Poland

· 17.10.2023 · 15:00:48 ··· ··· Tuesday ·· 2 (2) Katholische Akademie Berlin
A new parliament will be elected in Poland on October 15, 2023. The country has been in election campaign mode for months. Despite strong mobilization of the largest opposition alliance, Koalicja Obywatelksa, current polls point to a renewed majority for the ruling PiS party. What political constellation and orientation can be expected after the elections? How polarized or united is the society? What role does the Catholic Church play?


Zbigniew Nosowski, editor-in-chief of the Catholic-liberal magazine "Więz," Warsaw

Tomasz Ociepka, Director of the Analysis Center, Klub Jagielloński / Jagiellonian Club, Krakow

Moderation: Claudia Gawrich, Central Comittee of Catholics (ZdK), Berlin

Event in cooperation with RENOVABIS and ZdK.

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