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The Burger King mouldy burger advert analysed based on a range of data

· 25.07.2022 · 19:03:06 ··· Montag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 AD Wonk
Burger King’s mouldy burger advertising is one of the most talked about and creatively awarded adverts ever. But did it work? This video looks at the sales, purchase intent, and sentiment data from a number of sources to find out.

It starts with numbers from Publicis who made the adverts. They pass the first test for any advert which is does it get your attention? And, there’s no disputing that this ad worked brilliantly on that front – it created a lot of earned media and is still one of the most talked about adverts ever made.

But where there is a bit more debate is how well it resonated and drove purchase. Publicis show some fantastic data here including lots of positive sentiment and a big bump in sales but is that really true? For a start, the advert was launched in February 2020 which was just as COVID hit and all fast food sales fell through the floor so clearly there’s some ‘interpretation’ here.

In addition, Ace Metrix who measures advertising effectiveness for brands ran their own analysis which is nothing like as positive. 36% of viewers showed a purchase intent after viewing the ad which is just below Ace Metrix’s benchmark for the category. More worryingly though 26% are turned off from purchasing after watching the mouldy burger advert (vs. 6% for the category norm).

This is clearly a lot less positive than the Publicis data. So, given the mouldy burger advert was launched in February 2020 what did sales for that year look like compared to McDonald's (because it was a very strange year with lockdowns and COVID)?

We look at data from The Drum publication who suggested that distribution and other factors were fairly similar for the two brands during the pandemic. And, overall McDonald's does a lot better than Burger King. However, in Q1 and Q2 when the advert would have likely had the most impact it’s fairly even. The Drum concludes that the advert likely didn’t hurt Burger King sales.

My personal view is that it might have. For me, and for 26% of people, the mould burger ad is a turn-off. And, while I’m conscious that one-off ad campaigns only ever have mild effects I think this ad has received so much notoriety the impact of that is a bit deeper than for a typical advert.

But what do you think? Feel free to comment below.

· 25.07.2022 · 19:03:06 ··· Montag
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