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Acts 22 Bible Study with Q and A Paul’s Testimony of Conversion Repeated, Roman citizenship of Paul

· 06.04.2024 · 22:33:40 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 34 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Acts 22
Paul the Prisoner Preaches to the People
How Does the Holy Spirit Give the Best Witness in the Worst of Circumstances

0:00 Background to the events that lead to Paul giving an answer or "apologia." When things are at their worst, can we be at our best? Being His witness is the purpose of this book.
2:54 Paul is bound with two chains - Day one of Paul as a prisoner. Romans don't want a rebellion and the commander takes Paul from the mob.
6:00 Paul knows Hebrew and Greek. The crowds are shocked because the officers are standing with him and he speaks in Hebrew. It's surprising he's even coming back to the mob. Paul is not a fragile eggshell that cracks and have a meltdown. He loves and speaks the truth in love.
9:46 How does the Holy Spirit Give the Best Witness in the Worst of Circumstances? How do you respond to a deep personal attack? He calls them brethren and fathers - love. I was just like you. Paul was the MVP - Most Valuable Pharisee.
16:25 But Something Happend to Paul. God interrupted him so he could be a new person. He changed because he asked, "What should I do?"
18:33 Paul Was Called in Weakness. Paul is not making himself look good.
20:00 Paul Wanted to Stay. Paul us showing the Jews that he loves them. God told him to go to the Gentiles. Before the captivity the Jews were idolatrous. After the captivity, the Jews were exclusive.
23:09 Rescued from Agony - The word bezerk is a Nordic term for a frenzied rage. The Romans are there to stop them from killing Paul.
25:15 The Privilege Roman Citizenship protected Paul. The commander thinks Paul is guilty and is going to whip him. Paul has dual citizenship. You couldn't flog a Roman citizen and you had to give the Roman citizen a fair trial.
28:40 The only New Testament precedents for spreading the Gospel are godly living, praying and bold speaking. Geoffrey Thomas
29:17 Why would God repeat what we already have heard? Answer: 1. We are not good listeners. Learn how to listen 2. There's a fresh insight for us. 3. He highlights important things and universal relevance. 4. He will show lessons that are relevant for the whole Christian age. 5. It gives us fresh insight into the same story because of a new context.
33:45 What truths is God strongly declaring to us from the story of Paul's conversion to Christianity? 1. Once human religious stubbornness forms, it requires a miracle to be rescued from it. 2. Sincerity is not the greatest Virtue. 3. Humility is essential for God to change us. 4. Loyalty to the Messiah is infinitely greater than loyalty to a system that talks about the Messiah.
36:30 How can we known if we have a better understanding of truth? Let the Bible speak for itself. A better understanding has explanatory power and objective truth, balance and absolute subjective conviction. It inspires and is transformative and elevates.
38:47 What attitudes should we have about ourselves if we are gifted with a "better" understanding? We need a better character to properly hold a better understanding. Does the Christian ministry produce toy soldiers or Navy Seals.
42:16 When should Christians use their civil rights to protect themselves? 1. To avoid unnecessary humiliation or suffering. 2. To assert the righteousness of our cause against base slander.
45:28 In what situations can too much reliance on such rights cause Christian work to flounder or fail? 1. When God wants us to suffer. 2. When opposition would lead us in sin. 3. When the real issue is not protecting your rights but losing them, a spiritual issue and glory of Christ issue. You build better in suffering.
47:31 Where is our true citizenship. Our citizenship is in heaven. Human governments will fail. The cross paid for that citizenship.
48:47 Do we know what are civil rights are. Do we take advantage of them? There's no Virtue in laziness. Take time to know the laws of your land.
49:55 We live in a time of freedom that's about to vanish.

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