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HARD TIMES NO MORE !!! | Morning Prayer Before Start Your Day | Powerful Morning Prayer.

· 10.06.2023 · 12:30:27 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Dream to Heal
HARD TIMES NO MORE !!! | Morning Prayer Before Start Your Day | Powerful Morning Prayer.


Welcome to the Dream to Heal Channel. Open your heart to this powerful prayer, make your requests, be grateful, and seek God. Set aside some time for Him and try to disconnect from the external world, be it television or mobile notifications. God is always with us, but we need to seek Him, and often we forget. So always remember: Take the first step, and God will provide the ground beneath you.

Allow me to provide you with heartfelt encouragement. The first thing I want to express is that despite everything seemingly falling apart, I want you to know that Jesus reigns as the eternal King. He triumphantly rose from the dead, and His love for you remains unwavering.

In Job 13:15, it is written, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." These profound words speak of Job's unwavering faith. Even in the face of immense suffering and overwhelming challenges, he could still proclaim, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." Let us aspire to have faith like Job, let us pray for such grace.

In the midst of your trials, remember that you can still place your trust in God. Remember that Jesus Christ continues to reign as the King, seated at the right hand of the Father. He is the only one who invites the weary and burdened, promising rest and solace.

And yes, His love for you endures. Embrace this knowledge, my friends, for it is the key to finding strength, joy, and victory. God is good, not just sometimes or on certain days, but all the time. Even as you face the hardships of life and encounter afflictions, hold on to the promise that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from all.

No matter the nature or form of the troubles you encounter, as long as you are in the Lord, you will overcome. When I read Jeremiah 33:3, which states, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know," I hear God urging us to pray. Whatever situation you face today, whatever circumstances or challenges, God wants you to call upon Him.

Psalm 50:15 declares, "Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." Therefore, pray about it. Let your hope be firmly rooted in God. Trust Him during your times of trouble, and He will rescue you. Abide in Him, and He will restore you. Approach Him, all who are weary and burdened, and He will grant you rest.

Keywords: #morningprayer #morningprayerbeforestartyourday

Share This Video: https://youtu.be/tB57C-hNXXU

Extra Tags: morning prayer,daily morning prayer,catholic morning prayer,prayer for morning,morning prayer catholic,morning prayer before you start your day,jesus morning prayer,morning prayers,malayalam morning prayer,prayers for morning,morning prayer to start your day,catholic morning prayers,jesus prayer,night prayer,good morning prayer,short morning prayer,prayer,telugu morning prayer,morning prayer in hindi,pk masih morning prayer,daily prayer morning

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