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Hannah - Handmaid of the Highest: Character Study #2 'Hannah and her Son'

· 27.04.2024 · 08:14:02 ··· ··· Saturday ·· 6 (6) Bible Truth And Prophecy
A @Christadelphians Video: Hannah's adversity at the sanctuary led to her fervent prayers. She and her husband made a vow to dedicate their son to God. Hannah named the child Samuel, meaning "heard of God," in anticipation of his role in intercession. She decided to bring Samuel to Shiloh once he was weaned, fulfilling her vow.
00:00 - Intro
01:00 🕒 Hannah's adversity at the sanctuary led to fervent prayers

03:30 🕒 Hannah and her husband made a vow to dedicate their son to God

06:45 🕒 Hannah named the child Samuel, meaning "heard of God," in anticipation of his intercessory role

09:15 🕒 Hannah decided to bring Samuel to Shiloh once he was weaned, fulfilling her vow

- 💡 Hannah's focus was on the greater cause of the nation rather than her own adversity or adversary
- 💡 Prayer allows us to view our trials through God's purpose, bringing everything into perspective
- 💡 Hannah's intense and prolonged prayers demonstrated her practice and commitment to prayer
- 💡 Samuel's ability to pray intensely and with spiritual gift was inherited from his mother
- 💡 Hannah's lips moved in prayer, but her voice was not heard, showing her private and genuine communication with God
- 💡 Hannah's respect for Eli as God's anointed priest, despite his shortcomings, is a lesson in respecting ecclesial officers
- 💡 Hannah's decision to delay bringing Samuel to Shiloh until he was weaned was rooted in her commitment to fulfill her vow

This video was produced by the ChristadelphianVideo.org project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide.
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