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We Are TripleTen Israel!

Practicum Israel
TripleTen: The Best Beginner Friendly Bootcamp for People With Real Lives

After a whirlwind of contemplation, endless research, and some serious brainstorming sessions, we've found a name that perfectly captures our essence. TripleTen is more than just a name; it's an emblem of a thrilling new era, packed with the same unbeatable innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction you've come to love.

Now, here's the fun part! TripleTen is like a secret code, a playful nod to the binary world. Picture this: 101010, which magically translates to the number 42. You know what they say in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? That's "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything." And guess what? That's exactly what our programs and students embody!

 We are about to take your learning journey to a whole new level! 🚀💫

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