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· 14.05.2023 · 23:54:50 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Flora Brewing
I'm releasing beers commercially now through Pilot Project Brewing in Chicago and Milwaukee now but I could use some help in making my dream of going commercial a reality especially now that we have to change the name "Flora Brewing" and deal with legal expenses and reprinting materials, etc. There are a ton of expenses for launching a beer-business. If you're able to help, there's a GoFundMe here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/florabrewing

I want to first thank you for following and subscribing to my channels. Over the years you have been my mentors, friends, and the best community I could ask for. You have made this all possible. Your support has not only reminded me why I love brewing but has also reinforced a huge decision - to make Flora brewing official! That means I’m planning to go commercial this year and I could use everyone’s help to making the dream a reality.

Six years ago when I got my husband a home-brew kit I never thought that I would be the one who would become hopelessly addicted to brewing, but here we are. My goal is to start contract brewing nationwide and eventually open a physical location. Unfortunately, it costs a ton to go pro. By donating, you are helping me take the next step in officially launching Flora Brewing as a commercial brewery which means you'll be able to taste my beer across the US, and one day across the world!

This year, I'm working on a collaboration with Pilot Project Brewing in Chicago, an incubator brewery for up-and-coming brewers/creators, who will be the production facility for my first year of brewing commercially. My foray into becoming legit will officially kick off in Spring 2023 with four commercial brews. Your donation is one step further to help make Flora Brewing official.

Thank you all for your support! Cheers!

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