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Acts 2:1-36 The Day of Pentecost, the Work of the Holy Spirit, Speaking in tongues and prophecy

· 16.11.2023 · 19:32:56 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 2 🎬 46 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Acts 2:1-36 The Day of Pentecost. What is the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit? What is Speaking in tongues and prophecy?

0:00 Introduction - Christianity is Righteousness, Joy, and Peace in the Power of the Holy Spirit
2:22 Speaker's Outline
5:46 What age does the Day of Pentecost begin? What is the purpose of this age?
7:08 With the outpouring of thebHoly Spirit, what became the three divisions of mankind?
8:35 How is the Church an expansion of God's grace? Where does the blessings that the Church enjoy come from?
9:10 Why did the God's salvation first come to the city of Jerusalem?
9:47 What are four outpourings of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts? Acts 2, 8, 10 and 19.
11:33 Why are there so many ineffective churches? A lack of the Holy Spirit moving and leading in the gathering. Jesus is not glorified.
12:54 What is the blood of Christ and the Spirit given for? The blood of Christ is given to cleanse our hearts who believe in Him. The Holy Spirit will bless the image of Christ in you.
15:49 Verses 1-13 What was it like for the Holy Spirit to come on the Day of Pentecost? An announcement of the arrival of the Age of Spirit of God.
17:47 Why did everyone in the room get filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? They're praying and of one mind.
19:01 What are three aspects of the oneness of the Church revealed in the New Testament? Oneness of the Spirit, of the mind, and of knowledge.
20:20 What was purpose of speaking in tongues on the Day of Pentecost? To get peoples attention. Why is speaking so important?
22:27 What is the mistake God's people could make about speaking in tongues? Exalting the method over the message.
23:35 Why did the Jews not understood what was going on when it was clearly spoken? What was the interpretation Peter gave of the Day of Pentecost? It is for the last days.
25:34 Who can have the power of the Holy Spirit? Everybody can have the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no division but differences in response.
26:40 What is the emphasis in the giving of the Spirit in the book of Joel? Prophecy and dreams. Events before the coming of Jesus Christ, the Spirit working to the end of the age.
28:03 Verses 22-24 What was the predetermined plan of God through the rejection and resurrection of Christ? To save the world.
29:40 Verse 33-36 What is the purpose of all the work of the Holy Spirit? For us to receive Jesus as Lord and Christ.
30:40 What is the significance of the Day of Pentecost?
31:52 How do we know when our experience is of the Holy Spirit or just of our own psyche?
32:39 What is the highest point of experience of the power of Holy Spirit?
35:22 What does speaking in "other tongues" mean? Speaking in a distinct language without prior training.
36:17 Which is better, prophecy or speaking in tongues? 1 Corinthians 13
37:30 What is prophecy? Can sisters prophecy? Prophecy is to build up, bind up and stir up.
39:52 1 Corinthians 12 vs.10 What is the purpose of "discerning of spirits"?
41:58 What are the five ways the Holy Spirit is working now? Bringing people to salvation, to sonship, to sanctification, to a powerful service, the spirit of glory to rest on us.
43:32 What is the Holy Spirit's ministry now?
44:06 Why is the Holy Spirit crucial and indispensable for our work today?

Bible study, Expository preaching, growth, disciples, Jesus Christ, vision, Spiritual, healing, Holy Spirit, power, faith, repentence, religion, God's glory, Gospel, salvation, testimony, witness, answer, Acts 2, speaking in tongues, gifts of the spirit, Day of Pentecost, baptism, Last Days Signs, prophecy, Book of Joel, fulfillment, Jesus exalted, Outpouring, the blood, the cross, believe in Him, walk with Christ, innermost being, living waters, dreams, Ministry

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