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Zoe Lain Nicholas - Age 5 - fighting CDKL5

· 29.06.2013 · 06:41:49 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Zoe Nicholas
Made for Zoe Lain on her 5th birthday, with deepest love, by her dad. CDKL5 may have limited Zoe's skill set, but it has never limited her spirit, her love, or her reach. (CDKL5 is an extremely rare neuro-genetic disorder causing very serious developmental delays, seizures, gastro problems, and a host of other issues. There are currently no treatments and no cure. If you'd like to support research and give sufferers like Zoe hope for a healthy future, please visit CDKL5.com or CDKL5UK.org to learn more or make a donation.)

Video and images taken on the iPhone 4/4S and the Canon 7D from July 2012 - June 2013. Edited using Final Cut Pro X. The song was composed just for this video by me (Mark Nicholas, better known as Cosmicity.) It's called "For Zoe".

We kindly ask that all images shown here are not used without permission. Images and Music: Copyright 2013 to Mark Nicholas.

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