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Coin Magic Workshop

· 18.05.2024 · 11:53:37 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Card Reviews and Magic Theory by Jesse
Howdy, today for our Trick a Day May we had a beautiful Coins Across effect by Rick Holcombe. It is a variation of a trick from Bobo's Modern Coin Magic.

Which concludes our coin portion of #tadm. To wrap it up we did a short Coin Magic workshop showing a few routines that I use in the wild.

Check out the tutorial for Rick Holcombe's AFCA below:

Rick Holcombe is a spectacular magician that has a brilliant portfolio of collected coin handlings, controls, routines and more. He offers many of his works right here on YouTube but can also be found here:


He also has some great material at these links as well but he has much more to offer:




Special thanks to a Chris Leyden for being a funtastic supporter!!

Once you have a chance to check out Rick Holcombe make sure to check out:

Doug Conn
Mika Harris
Josh Norbido
Jason Maher
Copeland Coins
Jeff Copeland
Garet Thomas
Card Perfect Magician

And if you like want you see here please consider liking the video, sharing, and subscribing.

Other was to help out the channel:


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Mostly though please just leave a comment below so we can engage through the written word.

Thank you for watching and remember, always remember:

Stay Positive!

Stay Active!

Stay Awesome!

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