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Maja Lorbek: Nove šole za sodobno pedagogiko Multilateralizem in gradnja šol, 1944 - 1970

· 27.02.2024 · 15:43:22 ··· Dienstag ⭐ 0 🎬 13 📺 SIstory Info
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dr. Maja Lorbek: New Schools for New Education. Multilateralism and School Construction, 1944 - 1970

Nove šole za sodobno pedagogiko Multilateralizem in gradnja šol, 1944 - 1970

Od sredine štiridesetih let 20. stoletja so številne države začele reformirati in širiti svoje šolske sisteme. Poleg spreminjanja zakonodaje šolskega sistema in učnih načrtov ter usposabljanja učiteljev so te izobraževalne reforme vplivale tudi na zasnovo in gradnjo šolskih prostorov.

Predavanje bo obravnavalo multilateralizem na področju izobraževanja od štiridesetih do sedemdesetih let 20. stoletja. Poudarek bo na vlogi mednarodnih organizacij, kot so International Bureau of Education, UNESCO, OECD in Komisija za šolske zgradbe UIA, ter na njihovem vplivu na normative, prostorske programe in gradbene prakse v nacionalnih in regionalnih okoljih Jugoslavije, Avstrije, Maroka in Mehike. Analiza bo pokazala pot preobrazbe od humanističnih idealov izobraževanja v zgodnjem povojnem obdobju do prehoda k načrtovanju delovne sile in povezovanju izobraževanja z gospodarsko rastjo v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja, kakor je ta pristop propagiral OECD. Obravnavano bo tudi sodelovanje med pedagogi in arhitekti, pri katerem so bila načela reformske pedagogike le deloma prenesena na področje šolske arhitekture.

The lecture titled "New Schools for New Education. Multilateralism and School Construction, 1944 - 1970" will be held by dr. Maja Lorbek. The lecture will be held in English.

New Schools for New Education
Multilateralism and School Construction, 1944 -1970

Starting in the mid-1940s, many countries began to reform and expand their school systems. In addition to changing school system legislation, redefining curricula and changes in teacher training, educational reforms also affect the way new schools are conceptualised and constructed.

This lecture will examine multilateralism in education from the 1940s to the 1970s. Focusing on international organisations such as the International Bureau of Education, UNESCO, OECD and the UIA School Building Commission, and using Yugoslavia, Austria, Morocco and Mexico as case studies, I will trace the impact of transnational knowledge exchange on regulatory frameworks, design briefs and construction practices in the national and regional contexts of these countries. The analysis will demonstrate the transformation from humanist ideals of education in the early post-war period to the shift towards manpower planning and linking education to economic growth in the 1960s, as promoted by the OECD. I will also discuss the cooperation between educators and architects and show how this collaboration led to the incomplete translation of the principles of the new education into the realm of school architecture.

INZ, Privoz 11
Ljubljana, 15. februar 2024

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