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When F-14 Tomcat Shot Down An Iraqi Mi-8 Helicopter In 1991 #shorts

· 23.06.2023 · 14:45:58 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Awl You Need To Know 🌎
On February 6, 1991, an EA-6B Prowler on a jamming activity during a noon air strike was to be escorted by an F-14 Tomcat from VF-1 Wolfpack. A second Tomcat soon joined them. The F-14s were handed over to USAF AWACS command after they left the E-2 Hawkeye's radio reach. The AWACS spoke to the F-14s, "Go to the 210° direction, 36 miles in that path, make an attempt to bring down the enemy aircraft, he's approaching you while flying low." The two F-14s lit their afterburners and soon noticed an Iraqi Mi-8 helicopter. The pilot performed a 7G spin and caught sight of the helicopter. He moved the F-14 nose after switching to AIM-9 because the seeker head didn't have a suitable tone. The Sidewinder roared off its pylon as there was enough heat behind the helicopter to overcome it. The AIM-9 was successful in converting the Mi-8 into a falling star, defying the pilot's fear that it would crash into the sand. Even though the F-14 only got one enemy aircraft, this aerial victory is significant since it was the first chopper that a U.S. aircrew brought down while engaged in battle.

#shorts #youtubeshorts #f14tomcat #iraqi #helicopter #mi8

· 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
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