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MatrixRelictum is a unique complex of humic and fulvic acids (EN)

· 21.03.2023 · 17:36:51 ··· Dienstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Канал Imperium Valeo
MatrixRelictum properties:

– increases energy

The organic acids that make up MatrixRelictum are complex compounds that have a unique ability to attract and retain both negative and positive ions. This makes them an important transporter of vitamins and minerals. The nutrients that have entered our body enter into a synergistic reaction with plant minerals, as a result, the cells receive more energy. It promotes better physical fitness, stamina, improved mental clarity and concentration, resistance to colds and flu, healthy body acidity, enhanced immune system function.

– regulates acidity

The organic acids, vitamins and minerals that make up MatrixRelictum help fight acidosis in the body (acidosis) by neutralizing acids in body fluids. They are also a powerful antioxidant that protects us from free radicals, which potentially makes MatrixRelictum indispensable in the prevention of many diseases, including cancer.

– powerful detoxifier

One of the most sought-after properties of the humic and fulvic acids in MatrixRelictum is their powerful detoxifying power. MatrixRelictum is an adsorbent in interaction with salts of heavy metals, organophosphates, nitrates, nitrites, barbiturates and other substances harmful to the body.

– gastrointestinal assistance, prebiotic function

Due to its enveloping effect, it reduces inflammation and prevents further absorption of toxic substances by the intestines during infections or food poisoning. Fulvic acids are a selective prebiotic, stimulate the growth of bifidogenic microflora, normalize peristalsis, and increase local immunity. Neutralizes pathogenic intestinal microflora. The use of fulvic acid shows good results in diarrhea and dysbacteriosis.

– help the liver

Humic acids are actively involved in liver metabolism, capture and neutralize toxins, normalize the level of liver enzymes, stimulate cellular respiration, and accelerate the regeneration of damaged liver cells.

– fighting inflammation

Humic acids have an anti–inflammatory effect. They accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers due to increased fibroblast proliferation processes, activation of water, protein and fat metabolism. They also have an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of inflammatory mediators – prostaglandins. Locally, tissue hyaluronidase is activated, which accelerates wound healing. The inhibitory effect of humic acids on proteolytic enzymes that damage the walls of blood vessels and skin has been established.

– help with atherosclerosis

Due to the ability to recognize and bind substances that are in excess in the body, humic acids form and remove complexes with cholesterol and low–density lipoproteins outside the body, which makes them effective in combating atherosclerosis and its consequences.

– antiallergic effect

Humic acids reduce the body's sensitization by actively binding and removing allergens from the body. At the same time, allergy symptoms disappear, the number of eosinophils in the blood normalizes.

– anti–stress action

Humic acids regulate the action of stress hormones produced by the adrenal glands (epinephrine, norepinephrine). Elevated levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine indicate an increased level of anxiety. Excess hormones are blocked by humic acids and do not reach their receptors in cells. In addition, the ability of humic acids to influence the saturation of red blood cells with oxygen improves overall health and causes a surge of strength in a person.

– help in the fight against viruses and bacteria

Fulvic and humic acids help the body cope with invading viruses and bacteria. Acid molecules create a protective film on mucous membranes, envelop viruses, bacteria, preventing their penetration into the cell, which significantly slows down the infection process. Effective for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the body after diseases of various origins.

– positive effect on all living organisms

Humic acids are widely used in various fields of human activity: crop production, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, fish farming. Due to the form readily available to living organisms, humates are able to quickly influence metabolic processes in cells, increase immune and other vital properties, i.e. they are natural growth and productivity stimulants. Do not cause any side effects or negative changes in the body of animals and birds with a sufficiently long use. The benefits of humic acids are enormous as fertilizers for plants. They contribute to the accumulation of nutrients by plants, and also improve the ability to adapt to unpleasant external conditions and their own diseases.


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