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From Religion to Relationship (Acts 10)

· 07.06.2023 · 19:14:05 ··· ··· Wednesday ·· 3 (3) Knox Church Waterdown
In Acts 10 we find the story of Cornelius the Roman Centurion. Although not Jewish, Cornelius has decided to follow the Jewish customs. He and all his household are devout and God-fearing. He prays regularly and gives generously to the needy. Although his life has undergone some level of transformation already, there is still more transforming to be done. An angel appears to him and says go and send for Simon Peter from Joppa. Peter eventually comes to Cornelius and shares the gospel with him. He tells him about Jesus and how God has made a way for everyone! The Holy Spirit falls on Cornelius and all those listening and they are baptized. Although Cornelius is following all the rules and doing everything right, he still needs the gospel. The gospel message needs to sink deep down into his soul and get a hold of his life. Striving to keep every rule, removes God from the equation. Religion can be one more way we find fulfillment under our own strength. It isn't about what we can do to earn God's love. God's love and grace are a gift. Instead, it is a relationship we enter into. It is about embracing a life changing relationship with a God who loves us. We must allow the gospel to change us from the inside out. Timothy Keller said, "Christianity isn't a call to be religious. It is a challenge to religion." Jesus was all about challenging the religion of the day. It is all about moving from religion to relationship with Him!

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