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You INVINCIBLE !! Powerful Morning Prayer | PSALM 91 | PSALM 23 | PSALM 121.

· 24.06.2023 · 12:00:37 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Dream to Heal
You INVINCIBLE !! Powerful Morning Prayer | PSALM 91 | PSALM 23 | PSALM 121.

Welcome to the Dream to Heal Channel, in today's powerful prayer, we will dedicate ourselves to the word of God and conclude with the three most powerful Psalms in the Bible: Psalm 91 for maximum protection, Psalm 23 for financial problems and attracting abundance, and Psalm 121 for immediate help. We recommend that you relax, focus on positive thoughts, be grateful for what you already have, and listen to this prayer with your heart rather than your ears. If available, we also recommend that you have a glass of water nearby and drink it after the prayer. Water is a source of life and restoration, as we can see in this passage from the Bible: "On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.' By this, he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time, the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified." John 7:37-39.

Glory to the Almighty; the Father God, the Son God, the Holy Spirit bless you at this very moment. I must convey a message from the Divine; that specific day. I have a message from the Divine to convey to you; you who are already present in our prayer circle, and you who are joining us for the first time. I was prepared to offer a prayer, but as soon as I began here, the Holy Spirit started impressing upon me something very powerful. There are individuals whom he is bringing here; there are individuals who would not attend this gathering today; there are individuals who are planning to join us this morning, and God is orchestrating. The Lord instructs me to proclaim: I am manifesting my power on this day for all the sons and daughters who are listening to this prayer; like God who brings healing, this morning, God visits to shorten the duration of sickness. God visits the individuals present here; He will visit people through whom he intends to sever the ties of infirmity. I perceive the Lord severing a bond of infirmity; an unseen ailment, a disease, a trap set by the adversary which the enemy was plotting to silently worsen in someone, but this morning, it will crumble. Declare, "I believe it will crumble this morning, fall to the ground; it will retreat." I am engaged in prayer; I am connected with God; with my spirit linked to the Father, and the Lord communicated to my heart: today, I am the Son, the God Who heals; the God Who heals; the God who enters with Providence.

I have some valuable instructions to share with you. In order for the energy of this prayer to resonate for a long time and amplify, we recommend that you write down your first name and the names of the people you love and care about, followed by the phrase "We are blessed and illuminated. Amen."

Words have power, and we should never refer to ourselves in a negative and derogatory manner. We are children of God, made in His image and likeness, so let us not forget that. Lastly, please like and subscribe to the channel so that you can help spread God's message to those in need. Sow seeds of kindness, and they will come back to you multiplied.
As Proverbs 11:25 says, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

Share this Video: https://youtu.be/nIF9II-0bW0

Keywords: #psalm91 #psalm23 #psalm121 #morningprayer

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