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The Story of Adam & Eve What separated Man From Woman? What Really took Adam connection from God?

· 04.12.2022 · 13:14:10 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 The OfficialDeAire’
In this video I discuss Adam, Eve, and the snake in the garden and what really disconnected Adam from God and separated man from woman.I also compare the story of Adam and Eve to our ancestors and their time on the plantation. I also discuss feminine and masculine energy, the original holy trinity, The Sun,Moon, and the earth and how astrology can play apart of spirituality through these planets. I also touch on Jesus and why he taught self discovery by teaching people God lives within them. Also how he used healing and love to bring together a strong community. Never be afraid to live out your dreams. Never be afraid to be the person you want to be. Don’t allow anyone to dim your light or tell you can’t do anything use that as motivation to prove them wrong. You can never fail with God on your side you might take a tumble but you will never fumble you will always remain strong and grow. It’s only when you give up on yourself. Wake up and Remember who you are!
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with You wherever you go.

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