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Building a Task Management App with React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS Full Tutorial Ep1

Hack the coding
In this first episode of our full React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS tutorial, we'll be building a task management app.

If you're looking to manage your tasks and projects more efficiently, then this is the video for you! In this episode, we'll be learning how to install and use React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS to build a simple task management app. We'll cover everything from designing our app to creating our components and modules.

So if you're interested in learning how to build a task management app with React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, then watch this episode! You won't regret it!

github rep: https://github.com/fhub-1/vite-task
Demo:: https://incredible-moxie-2513c3.netlify.app/

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