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Abraham, Faith & the Promise

· 16.02.2024 · 22:30:09 ··· ··· Friday ·· 5 (5) Bible Truth And Prophecy
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The promises to Abraham detailed in the book of Genesis are explored and carefully linked to the material about Abraham in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Hence the essential unity between New Testament and Old Testament narrative and teaching is established. Lessons for Christian living following baptism into Christ are presented.

Abraham's faith and the promises made to him are explored, particularly focusing on Hebrews chapter 11. Abraham's life is depicted as a journey of faith from idolatry to belief in God's promises. The narrative highlights key events such as Abraham's departure from his homeland, his encounters with God, and his obedience despite challenges. The significance of Abraham's decisions, including leaving Ur, dwelling in Canaan, and venturing to Egypt, are discussed in the context of faith and obedience. The story emphasises the importance of trusting in God's promises and being willing to separate from worldly comforts.

🌟 Abraham's faith and the promises made to him are central themes, particularly highlighted in Hebrews chapter 11.
🛤 Abraham's journey from idolatry to faith is depicted through significant events such as leaving Ur, dwelling in Canaan, and encountering God's promises.
⛺️ Abraham's willingness to obey God and separate from worldly comforts, as seen in his departure from Ur and dwelling in tents, underscores the theme of faithfulness.
💡 The narrative emphasises the importance of trusting in God's promises and being willing to leave behind worldly attachments for spiritual obedience.
Abraham, faith, promises, Hebrews 11, obedience, journey, idolatry, separation, trust, Canaan, Ur, Egypt.

Q: What is the significance of the promises made to Abraham?
A: The promises made to Abraham hold great importance, particularly for Christadelphians, as they have a unique understanding of these promises. These promises are pivotal because they represent God's covenant with Abraham, laying the foundation for future blessings and the establishment of a chosen nation.
Q: How does Abraham's life reflect the themes of faith and promise?
A: Abraham's life serves as a narrative of faith intertwined with the promises of God. Each significant event in Abraham's life, as mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, is marked by God appearing to him, reiterating and extending His promises and covenant. This illustrates the intimate connection between Abraham's faith and God's promises.
Q: What was Abraham's initial call and how did he respond?
A: Abraham's initial call came when God instructed him to leave his country, kindred, and father's house and journey to a land that God would reveal to him. Despite the uncertainty and challenges, Abraham obeyed God's command, demonstrating his faith by embarking on this journey into the unknown.
Q: How does Abraham's journey of faith parallel with our own spiritual journey?
A: Abraham's journey of faith mirrors our own spiritual journey in many ways. Just as Abraham was called to leave behind comfort and security to follow God's leading, we are called to separate ourselves from worldly influences and pursue a life of faith and obedience to God's will. Like Abraham, we are called to trust in God's promises and to build altars of worship wherever we go, declaring our allegiance to Him.

This video was produced by the ChristadelphianVideo.org project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide.
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Chapters by Joanna Evans
00:00 – Intro
01:49 – Abraham’s Journey
06:35 – God’s Promise to Abraham
10:32 – Abraham Leaves His Father’s House
16:06 – God’s Promise to Abraham
16:59 – Abraham in the Promised Land
18:07 – Abraham Builds an Alter to the LORD
19:50 – Shechem, the Place of Decision
21:18 – Abraham Between Bethel and Ai
23:55 – Responding to God’s Call
26:19 – Abraham in Egypt
28:53 – Abraham and Lot
32:49 – Progression of the Ungodly
34:29 – Life of the Godly and Faithful
35:57 – Abraham’s Faith
37:04 – God’s Promise to Abraham
38:52 – Sarah’s Faith
45:02 – Abraham, Sarah and Abimelech
49:04 – Following the Faith of Abraham
50:49 – Baptism into Christ
52:40 – Embracing God’s Promises
Related to: Abraham, Faith and Promise

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