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Stop the War in Ukraine!

🎞️ · 27.02.2022 · 17:53:04 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 2 🎬 75 📺 Filmriss TV
🎬 · 27.02.2022 · 17:53:04 ··· Sonntag
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
Normally, we upload satirical, funny, nostalgic or Videos for you on our Youtube Channel, which should take you back to the good old days. But since Thursday, February 24, 2022, the World is a different one. That's why we decided to upload a Video this time to draw Attention to the immense Danger we are in due to the Invasion of Russian Troops and Vladimir Putin's war of Aggression against Ukraine! We would like to point out before watching the video that some of the included Photos can be disturbing, cruel, shocking, brutal, relentless and very intense on your Psyche, because it is about nothing more or less than the Survival of Mankind! Therefore, please share this Video as often as possible, so that finally again Reason and Understanding can overcome the Inhumanity and Aggression! War is not the solution - Peace is! We must do everything to prevent what we do not even dare to say! The Evil in man must not win!

Some sources that we have used for the production of this video are:

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ToteNormally, we upload satirical, funny, nostalgic or Videos for you on our Youtube Channel, which should take you back to the good old days. But since Thursday, February 24, 2022, the World is a different one. That's why we decided to upload a Video this time to draw Attention to the immense Danger we are in due to the Invasion of Russian Troops and Vladimir Putin's war of Aggression against Ukraine! We would like to point out before watching the video that some of the included Photos can be disturbing, cruel, shocking, brutal, relentless and very intense on your Psyche, because it is about nothing more or less than the Survival of Mankind! Therefore, please share this Video as often as possible, so that finally again Reason and Understanding can overcome the Inhumanity and Aggression! War is not the solution - Peace is! We must do everything to prevent what we do not even dare to say! The Evil in man must not win! Some sources that we have used for the production of this video are: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lkermord https://www.welt.de/geschichte/article231532387/Voelkermord-in-Bangladesch-1971-Tod-den-Unglaeubigen-schrien-die-Milizen.html https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/umgehen-mit-historischer-schuld-wenn-voelkermord-zur-100.html https://www.dw.com/de/drei%C3%9Figj%C3%A4hriger-krieg-ein-grauen-das-deutschland-pr%C3%A4gte/a-43795737 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tote_des_Zweiten_Weltkrieges http://commons.ch/deutsch/wp-content/uploads/T%C3%B6dlichste-Kriege-aller-Zeiten-1.pdf https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/umgehen-mit-historischer-schuld-wenn-voelkermord-zur-100.html http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_Blutbaeder_des_Kolonialismus_in_Afrika https://pagewizz.com/die-10-schlimmsten-massenmoerder-aller-zeiten/ https://www.freitag.de/autoren/the-guardian/das-gift-des-empires https://usaerklaert.wordpress.com/2007/08/08/indianer-teil-2-totenzahlen/ http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_Blutbaeder_des_Kolonialismus_in_Afrika https://www.planet-wissen.de/geschichte/menschenrechte/sklaverei/pwiesklavenfueramerika100.html https://www.fondapol.org/en/study/islamist-terrorist-attacks-in-the-world-1979-2019/ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanische_Kriegsverbrechen_im_Zweiten_Weltkrieg https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/us-studie-500-000-iraker-starben-im-irak-krieg-1.1795930 #ukraine #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #UkraineKonflikt #ukrainerussia #putin #war #peace #prayforukraine #StandWithUkraine #nowar #friedenineuropa #europa #osteuropa #europe #SayNoToWar #aufwachen #WAKEUPZweiten_Weltkrieges
http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_BlutbaederNormally, we upload satirical, funny, nostalgic or Videos for you on our Youtube Channel, which should take you back to the good old days. But since Thursday, February 24, 2022, the World is a different one. That's why we decided to upload a Video this time to draw Attention to the immense Danger we are in due to the Invasion of Russian Troops and Vladimir Putin's war of Aggression against Ukraine! We would like to point out before watching the video that some of the included Photos can be disturbing, cruel, shocking, brutal, relentless and very intense on your Psyche, because it is about nothing more or less than the Survival of Mankind! Therefore, please share this Video as often as possible, so that finally again Reason and Understanding can overcome the Inhumanity and Aggression! War is not the solution - Peace is! We must do everything to prevent what we do not even dare to say! The Evil in man must not win! Some sources that we have used for the production of this video are: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lkermord https://www.welt.de/geschichte/article231532387/Voelkermord-in-Bangladesch-1971-Tod-den-Unglaeubigen-schrien-die-Milizen.html https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/umgehen-mit-historischer-schuld-wenn-voelkermord-zur-100.html https://www.dw.com/de/drei%C3%9Figj%C3%A4hriger-krieg-ein-grauen-das-deutschland-pr%C3%A4gte/a-43795737 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tote_des_Zweiten_Weltkrieges http://commons.ch/deutsch/wp-content/uploads/T%C3%B6dlichste-Kriege-aller-Zeiten-1.pdf https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/umgehen-mit-historischer-schuld-wenn-voelkermord-zur-100.html http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_Blutbaeder_des_Kolonialismus_in_Afrika https://pagewizz.com/die-10-schlimmsten-massenmoerder-aller-zeiten/ https://www.freitag.de/autoren/the-guardian/das-gift-des-empires https://usaerklaert.wordpress.com/2007/08/08/indianer-teil-2-totenzahlen/ http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_Blutbaeder_des_Kolonialismus_in_Afrika https://www.planet-wissen.de/geschichte/menschenrechte/sklaverei/pwiesklavenfueramerika100.html https://www.fondapol.org/en/study/islamist-terrorist-attacks-in-the-world-1979-2019/ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanische_Kriegsverbrechen_im_Zweiten_Weltkrieg https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/us-studie-500-000-iraker-starben-im-irak-krieg-1.1795930 #ukraine #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #UkraineKonflikt #ukrainerussia #putin #war #peace #prayforukraine #StandWithUkraine #nowar #friedenineuropa #europa #osteuropa #europe #SayNoToWar #aufwachen #WAKEUPKolonialismus_in_Afrika
http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_BlutbaederNormally, we upload satirical, funny, nostalgic or Videos for you on our Youtube Channel, which should take you back to the good old days. But since Thursday, February 24, 2022, the World is a different one. That's why we decided to upload a Video this time to draw Attention to the immense Danger we are in due to the Invasion of Russian Troops and Vladimir Putin's war of Aggression against Ukraine! We would like to point out before watching the video that some of the included Photos can be disturbing, cruel, shocking, brutal, relentless and very intense on your Psyche, because it is about nothing more or less than the Survival of Mankind! Therefore, please share this Video as often as possible, so that finally again Reason and Understanding can overcome the Inhumanity and Aggression! War is not the solution - Peace is! We must do everything to prevent what we do not even dare to say! The Evil in man must not win! Some sources that we have used for the production of this video are: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lkermord https://www.welt.de/geschichte/article231532387/Voelkermord-in-Bangladesch-1971-Tod-den-Unglaeubigen-schrien-die-Milizen.html https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/umgehen-mit-historischer-schuld-wenn-voelkermord-zur-100.html https://www.dw.com/de/drei%C3%9Figj%C3%A4hriger-krieg-ein-grauen-das-deutschland-pr%C3%A4gte/a-43795737 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tote_des_Zweiten_Weltkrieges http://commons.ch/deutsch/wp-content/uploads/T%C3%B6dlichste-Kriege-aller-Zeiten-1.pdf https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/umgehen-mit-historischer-schuld-wenn-voelkermord-zur-100.html http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_Blutbaeder_des_Kolonialismus_in_Afrika https://pagewizz.com/die-10-schlimmsten-massenmoerder-aller-zeiten/ https://www.freitag.de/autoren/the-guardian/das-gift-des-empires https://usaerklaert.wordpress.com/2007/08/08/indianer-teil-2-totenzahlen/ http://www.fides.org/de/news/1779-Die_Blutbaeder_des_Kolonialismus_in_Afrika https://www.planet-wissen.de/geschichte/menschenrechte/sklaverei/pwiesklavenfueramerika100.html https://www.fondapol.org/en/study/islamist-terrorist-attacks-in-the-world-1979-2019/ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanische_Kriegsverbrechen_im_Zweiten_Weltkrieg https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/us-studie-500-000-iraker-starben-im-irak-krieg-1.1795930 #ukraine #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #UkraineKonflikt #ukrainerussia #putin #war #peace #prayforukraine #StandWithUkraine #nowar #friedenineuropa #europa #osteuropa #europe #SayNoToWar #aufwachen #WAKEUPKolonialismus_in_Afrika

#ukraine #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #UkraineKonflikt #ukrainerussia #putin #war #peace #prayforukraine #StandWithUkraine #nowar #friedenineuropa #europa #osteuropa #europe #SayNoToWar #aufwachen #WAKEUP

· 27.02.2022 · 17:53:04 ··· Sonntag
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