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The Hand of God In Our Lives #3 'Stand Still'

· 24.02.2024 · 13:00:06 ··· ··· Saturday ·· 6 (6) Bible Truth And Prophecy
A @Christadelphians Video: Summary
The content explores the significance of God's hand in guiding and protecting His people, focusing on the Exodus narrative. It highlights the symbolism of the Passover, emphasising the importance of the blood of the lamb, the concept of standing still to witness God's salvation, and the subsequent need to move forward in faith. It draws parallels between Exodus and other biblical passages, illustrating themes of deliverance, obedience, and the transformative power of God's actions.

📜 In Exodus 12, the Passover marks a new beginning for God's people, symbolising separation from Egypt and a covenant with God.
🌊 The crossing of the Red Sea demonstrates God's salvation, with the pillar of fire representing His presence and guidance.
🎶 The triumphant song of Moses and Miriam celebrates God's victory and salvation, acknowledging His strength and sovereignty.
🕊️ The content encourages standing still in faith to witness God's deliverance and then moving forward in obedience and trust.
🔍 Biblical parallels, such as with Genesis 15 and Noah's flood, underscore the consistent theme of God's salvation through trials.
🍞 Symbolism of unleavened bread highlights purity and sincerity in fellowship with God.
💡 The narrative underscores the transformative power of God's actions, leading His people from bondage to freedom and from fear to faith.
Exodus, Passover, salvation, guidance, faith, deliverance, symbolism, covenant, obedience, transformation, biblical parallels, sovereignty.

Asked about current Video Q: What is the significance of Exodus chapter 12 in the video?
A: Exodus chapter 12 marks a new beginning for God's people, symbolised by the institution of the Passover. It signifies a transition from bondage in Egypt to freedom, with the blood of the lamb serving as a token of protection from the tenth plague, the death of the firstborn.
Q: How does the video emphasise the importance of unity among God's people?
A: The video underscores the principle of unity among God's people, as seen in Exodus 12:12, where God's hand was to give them one heart to do His commandments. This unity is crucial for obedience and separation from the world, as highlighted in Leviticus 20:26.
Q: What lesson does the video draw from the unleavened bread in Exodus 12?
A: The video draws a parallel between the unleavened bread eaten during the Passover and the need for spiritual purity and sincerity. It emphasises the importance of purging out the old leaven of malice and wickedness and embracing sincerity and truth in our conduct, as exemplified in 1 Corinthians 5:7-8.
Q: How does the video illustrate the concept of trusting in God's providence?
A: The video illustrates the concept of trusting in God's providence through the story of the Israelites at the Red Sea. It teaches that in times of uncertainty and fear, we must stand still and trust in the salvation of the Lord, as He fights our battles and leads us forward in faith, as depicted in Exodus 14.

This video was produced by the ChristadelphianVideo.org project, arranged and supported by the Christadelphian community worldwide.
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Chapters by Joanna Evans
00:00 – Intro
00:32 – God’s Purpose in Extending His Guiding Hand
02:26 – Separation Unto God
03:12 – A New Beginning
06:33 – The LORD’s Passover
15:04 – Girding Your Loins
17:18 – Holiness
21:51 – Leaven and the Unleavened
29:44 – A New Beginning
32:47 – Order of Israel’s Exodus
35:11 – Waiting on God
41:36 – The Fiery Pillar
43:02 – Cutting of the Covenant
44:15 – Sin Washed Away
45:18 – Rejoicing Over God’s Salvation
49:30 – Final Thoughts
Related to: The hand of God in our Lives #3

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