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NRP 73: Conclusion of the national research program "Sustainable Economy"

· 04.07.2023 · 16:02:53 ··· Dienstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Swiss National Science Foundation
To close the NRP 73: Sustainable Economy and launch the new white paper “Advancing Sustainability”, the researchers and management group of NRP 73, along with other stakeholders, met in Bern.

On May 15, 2023, the researchers and management group of NRP 73, along with other stakeholders, gathered in Bern to celebrate the conclusion of NRP 73. The closing event brought together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders.

The morning began with a stimulating panel discussion featuring members of the NRP 73 management group, moderated by Dr. Barbara Dubach, Head of Knowledge Transfer at NRP 73 and CEO of engageability. Following that, the key findings from the thematic syntheses and co-creation labs were presented. Interactive workshops on various projects and thematic syntheses throughout the day provided participants with the opportunity to delve deeper into specific topics.

Under the moderation of Christine Maier, a lively and partly controversial discussion took place on the podium in the afternoon, with participants including Pascal Bärtschi, CEO of Losinger Marazzi, Susanne Blank from the Federal Office for the Environment, Prof. Dr. Regina Betz, Co-President of NFP 73, Dr. Elgin Brunner from WWF Switzerland, Alexander Keberle from economiesuisse, and Ruedi Noser, Member of the Council of States from the FDP discussing the new White Paper and the NRP 73’s policy recommendations.

NRP 73 White Paper:

#nrp73 #sustainableeconomy #ruedinoser #wwf #losingermarazzi #economiesuisse #fdp #FOEN #conference

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