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Wir sind in einer LEGO WELT aufgewacht! MODs TESTING in Wobbly Life V0.9

· 20.06.2023 · 17:47:46 ··· ··· Tuesday ·· 2 (2) Flints German Lets Play
Wir sind in einer LEGO WELT aufgewacht! MODs TESTING in Wobbly Life V0.9! Auf keinen Fall verpassen!

Willkommen auf Flints German Lets Play! Ich freue mich, dass DU reinschaust. ❤😃✌ Hilf mir dabei meinen nächsten Meilenstein von 2500 Abonnenten zu erreichen.

Kinderfreundlicher Content steht hier im Vordergrund 🙂😀🚀🚗

Auf diesem Kanal spielen wir Wobbly Life & Human Fall Flat sowie Geheimtipps. MaukiSan und ich beliefern euch regelmäßig mit Neuigkeiten, Updates, Guides und Secrets.

Meilensteine :

Abos :

100 = 30.04.2022 ✅
250 = 10.06.2022 ✅
500 = 14.08.2022 ✅
750 = 22.10.2022✅
1K = 23.12.2022✅
2,5K = ❌

🦀🚀🦀 Flints Gaming Lab kostenlos abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0qsm1GZKnabN-Hmec3-rzg
🤩 Flints German Lets Play: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6W7PWzoqFtpDDPz4DHhbrQ
🌍 Flints Roblox World: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_51_sGs942JpWjIkjYdC7g
😍 Flints Adventure Corner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKnjTDpIYpWfsRp91nLlTZw
🖌 Artificial Art: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm5AoZJ7888qZPNIIT_yDRg
🤣Locomotion Mania Media: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCygKpGJMZWhkp6PqRYleilw
🎮 Twitch Kanal: https://www.twitch.tv/cptflint83.
🐣 Mein Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/mmwv8mm55C

Auf meinem 2.Kanal werden alte Serien aus diesem Kanal fortgeführt und darauf verlinkt. Schreib mir auch gerne deine Wünsche dazu. LG Flint

New/Updated Content

Added Arcade mode!
Added Arcade Lobby Scene
New Arcade Game Modes:
Trash Zone - An asymmetric party game where one player tries to knock out the other players using trash.
Hide And Seek - See if you can hide from the Seeker until the timer runs out.
Sandbox - Spawn items and vehicles and play around with the game physics in custom maps.
Wobble Run - An colourful obstacle course race.
See who can get to the finish line first!
Added loads more Emotes and a new Emote wheel!
Added Mod Support for Steam!
New Main Menu!
Music and SFX mix improvements
Updated bowling so you can reset the pins
Updated roller shutter soundAdded Buy First Clothing Mission in the todo list
Updated the world and character select UI
Added option to change the chunk loading distance (The higher the value will make more of the world load but will be more jittery when moving between chunks). This is only avaliable on PC
Improved performance
Updated Plane movement so it acts with the physics engine correctly
The mine job rocks are now lighter

Graphical Updates
Updated old clothes : Devil Outfit
Jelly car exhaust now changes color to match vehicle color
Updated many Job instruction Sheets UI

Bug Fixes
Fixed vehicle reverbs still being audible when the Vehicle audio slider was all the way down.
Fixed done camera speed not consistent.
Fixed shallow waters showing for a split second when you are not in shallow waters.
Fixed jittery hands when grabbing objects.
Fixed Pet and Vehicle reverbs still been audible when their options slider is down.
Fixed furniture job where no delivery item would spawn.
Fixed furniture job where bookshelf would spawn in the ground.
Fixed an issue where client can bypass loading screeen before server has loaded
Fixed Sparky pet flourish explosion particleFixed Respawning issues
Fixed floating book in the Quiz foyer room
Fixed being able to get to the Yeti cave via a Ancient Hoverboard before ringing the gong.
Fixed Wobbly turning completely blackFixed Holding onto mountain door while it is opening makes you float
Fixed building site fences occluding the audio of vehiclesFixed sun flare not aligning with sun
Fixed vehicle exploding in customize shopFixed delivery job markers not displaying on client
Fixed invisible collider while doing the Mine job
Fixed dialog getting stuck after speaking to Buck when the next day happens
Fixed UFO not being able to pick up things properly
Fixed first detective mission (Finding magnifying glass) mission board pointing to wrong item
Fixed Trash Collection completing even when you’ve dumped bags into waterFixed invisible player bug
Fixed pet getting out of pet bed when you wake up and have put the pet in the pet bed
Fixed Vehicle shop display raining
City drawbridge orientation shows incorrectly for clients

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