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Tell – Im Kampf gegen Lord Xax - E14 - Doppelgänger (ABENTEUER I ganze Serie auf Deutsch)

· 24.06.2023 · 15:30:29 ··· ··· Saturday ·· 6 (6) Fantasja - Filme für die ganze Familie
🎥 ganze Familienfilme auf Deutsch anschauen in voller Länge - jetzt abonnieren: http://bit.ly/FantasjaAbo
🎬Diese Serie folgt der Legende von Wilhelm Gorkeit von Tellikon, der, wie es heißt, seinem Sohn einen Apfel vom Kopf schoss und die Rebellion zur Befreiung der Schweiz anführt...

Die Legende von William (1998)
Originaltitel: The Legend of William Tell
Mit: Kieren Hutchison, Andrew Robertt, Nathaniel Lees, Katrina Browne, Rey Henwood
Regie: Raymond Thompson

Kreel has a plan of diabolical cleverness to finally defeat Will, and turn Kale against the rebel heroes. He has created a doppelganger - Will's mirror image - who is marauding the countryside with a band of Barbarian as henchmen, leaving a trail of murder and destruction in his wake, and all in the guise of William Tell. Kalem does not understand why the tribes have turned against them, but she senses a sinister disturbance in the Eye - and persuades Xax to let her into the Citadel, and close to Kreel, by disguising herself as the startlingly beautiful warrior...
#Spielfilm #ganzerFilm #Familienfilm

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Spotfilm Networx GmbH is a serious and legal video on demand company located in Berlin, Germany. We are holding proper license for all of our published movies. For any questions contact copyright@spotfilm-networx.com.

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0**## 🧠 Film 📺 Fantasja
· 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
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