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PSALM 23 | Powerful Prayer to Attract MONEY.

· 18.08.2023 · 05:00:16 ··· Freitag ⭐ 11 🎬 279 📺 Dream to Heal
PSALM 23 | Powerful Prayer to Attract MONEY.

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A powerful supplication drawn from Psalm 23; "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack." He makes me rest in lush pastures and guides me beside tranquil waters. My soul is rejuvenated, and He leads me on righteous paths for His name's sake. Even as I traverse the valley of death's shadow, fear does not grasp me, for You are by my side. Your rod and staff provide comfort. In the presence of adversaries, You arrange a table, anoint my head with oil, and my cup overflows. Surely, goodness and mercy shall accompany me all my days, and I shall abide in the Lord's house forever. Praise to Jesus! Greetings, my brethren and sisters. May you embrace the Peace of the Lord and may divine enlightenment grace your minds through this prayer. Discover within it not only supplications for prosperity and strength, but also a serene assurance that God is our sustainer. Amen.

Before we proceed, I suggest that you take a glass of water, gaze upon the water, and imbue it with all your good intentions of faith, healing, and devotion. Listen to the entire prayer, and at the end, drink the water, being certain that what you desire will be fulfilled. In the Bible, water is mentioned several times as a synonym for blessings and a symbol of cleansing. So, perform this ritual, and you will feel and witness a significant improvement in your life.
If you don't have access to water at this moment, don't worry. What matters most is the intention and feeling that you emanate from your heart. If you can return to this prayer with a glass of water later, it will only serve as an enhancer.

Dearest God and Heavenly Father, at this very moment, our hearts ascend to You, seeking solace and tranquility for all those confronting tribulations, especially financial struggles. Amidst the currents of worry and uncertainty, it's simple to feel overwhelmed, despondent, and anxious. However, when we entrust ourselves to Your boundless goodness, wisdom, and mercy, a guiding light invariably emerges along our paths. We implore, Heavenly Father, that You send forth strength and bravery to all those who are part of this community, including newcomers grappling with financial challenges. Infuse them with the confidence required for them to persevere, steadfast in their belief that brighter days are imminent. This we affirm in the name of Jesus.

#psalm23 #powerfulprayer #prayerformoney

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