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Psalm 91 & Psalm 98 | 7 Days of Powerful Prayer.

· 28.07.2023 · 12:00:37 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Dream to Heal
Psalm 91 for PROTECTION & Psalm 98 PRAYER FOR MY HOME | 7 Days of Powerful Prayer.

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#psalm91 #psalm98 #powerfulprayers

Welcome, today we begin our seventh and final chain of blessings, seven days of complete faith, devotion, and protection. If you haven't seen the first videos, it's not a problem; you can go to the Channel's playlist called "Chain of Prayer Psalm 91" and find the other videos. Don't worry if you're not following the correct sequence because you are not here by chance, and God's timing is different from ours, so relax and pray, not with your ears, but with your heart. Today we will pray Psalm 91 and Psalm 98, which will protect our home. Our house is our refuge and protection, so let's pray that there will be no arguments or negativity, as we all deserve to have peace in our own home.
We recommend that you fill a glass of water and take after this prayer, the water purifies as I did in Jeremiah 17:8 is a symbol of blessing and spiritual purification.
If you are unable to use the water at this time do not worry, remember that every intention and faith you have within you is the most valid.
Before continuing this beautiful prayer chain, please subscribe to the channel and leave a like. By doing so, you will help this video reach more and more people, multiplying all the blessings, both for those who give and those who receive. It costs nothing, it's free, and you can change someone's day.
In the sacred haven of our home, we find solace, love, and serenity. It is a place where cherished memories are woven, and our hearts intertwine. To safeguard this sanctum from discord, negative energies, and more, we turn to prayer as a source of strength and protection.

O Gracious Creator,

We humbly come before you to seek your divine guidance and protection for our cherished home. As we open our hearts in prayer, we ask for your loving presence to envelop every nook and cranny, filling it with your divine light.

In your infinite wisdom, please shield our dwelling from the turmoil of discord and strife. Let your divine love mend any fractures in our relationships and guide us towards understanding and compassion. May our home be a haven of tranquility, where all who enter feel your gentle embrace.

We beseech you, Heavenly Father, to repel all negative energies that may attempt to infiltrate our home. May your protective shield guard us against envy, anger, and ill intentions, turning them away with the force of your grace. Fill our space with positive vibrations, love, and harmony, so that negativity finds no foothold within these walls.

Bless our abode with your divine presence, filling each room with an aura of peace and comfort. Let your holy light expel any darkness, fear, or uncertainty that may try to take root in our hearts. With you as our guardian, we fear no evil, for your presence fortifies us.

Lord, guide us to practice empathy and respect within these walls. Help us understand that the strength of our unity lies in our differences, and may we find common ground even in times of disagreement. Grant us the wisdom to communicate openly and honestly, fostering an atmosphere of trust and understanding.

We also pray for the safety of our dwelling. May it be shielded from harm, disasters, and any external threat. Watch over our family and all who reside here, protecting us from all that may bring harm to our physical and emotional well-being.

As we end this prayer, we express our heartfelt gratitude for the countless blessings you have bestowed upon us. May your divine love forever bless and safeguard our home, making it a beacon of light and hope for all who dwell within.

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