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Hang in there! God is faithful!

· 29.01.2024 · 10:18:12 ··· Montag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Jimmy Loh
Keep on trusting the Lord!

He is not done with you yet. The Lord has the last word in your life and He is for you not against you.

Though He corrects us because He loves us, He does not use evil, sickness, destruction or death, those are the tools of the devil, who comes to steal, kill and destroy.

The Lord usually use people to sharpen us, it could be that colleague or boss or friend or relatives. But He also can use situations to challenge us to rise above our soul and emotions.

Hey rejoice that the Lord believes in us and wants to call out that giant that He has already created inside of us.

Cain had Abel, Abraham had Lot, Joseph had his brothers, even Jesus had his brothers who did not believe at first.

Iron sharpens iron!

The Lord is good and He is constantly molding us and curating our journey to be more like Jesus.

#belikejesus #hopeingod #godisfullofgrace #jesusisgraceandtruth #keeponbelieving #heisfaithful #godchangesnot

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