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The Matter Myth

🎞️ · 02.09.2022 · 00:32:43 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Paul Ross
🎬 · 02.09.2022 · 00:32:43 ··· Freitag
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
I had a man tell me the other day that he does not believe in God because he is a materialist, and what he meant by this is that he only believes in matter and what he meant by that is that he only believes in what he can see with his eyes and experience with his senses.

That's right, he had this childlike belief that what he sees with his eyes is what reality is. He assumed that his sense-based appearance of things is what they are in reality. However, physicists know that his simplistic understanding of the world around him is rooted in his ignorance.

In fact, this simplistic view goes all the way back to the ancient Greek materialist Democritus. Democritus believed that matter is nothing more than lumps of hard, solid stuff. Democritus believed that matter was nothing more than indivisible atoms bumping into one another and forming complicated compositions that we call the material world.

These days, physicists don't really know what matter is. Is it quarks, or superstrings? They don't know. Is it dark energy, or the result of quantum fluctuations in a vacuum? They don't know. Is it an unreal simulation that is run by mathematical code? They don't know.
But whatever it is, (and they have no real idea) they at least know it's not what Democritus thought it was. Or what the common uniformed person in the street thinks it is.

So, I say to the person that says they are a materialist, what do you mean by materialism if you don't exactly know what matter is?

Yes, it is true, some people think that things are exactly as they appear to their senses, they have a childish simplistic understanding of the world around them. Saying you are a materialist and only believe in matter tells us nothing about nothing. These people are not aware that we don't have direct unfiltered experiences, only limited sense based interpretations. In fact, we don't have direct experience of the world around us. Everything we see and experience is experienced through the limited spectrum of our senses. These limited, finite senses only provide us with a partial, filtered human-sense based representation and therefore can never tell us anything with certainty about what we are seeing and experiencing.

In fact, Kant concluded that “knowable” reality is our own construct, produced by our inbuilt mental “faculties” which force us to see reality in a certain, subjective, psychological way.

In science, not everything is based upon mere appearances, there is much in science that is counterintuitive.

For example, physicist Paul Davies, in his book The Matter Myth, argues that matter is a sort of illusion or appearance produced by some mysterious and unknown substratum in interaction with the human mind.

Roger Penrose, the Oxford mathematician, even thinks that the laws of physics may need to be radically revised, so that they take account of the important role of consciousness in the nature of the world.
And philosopher Keith Ward tells us that creativity and mind, value, purpose and meaning, have to be included in any final explanation of the universe, or it is not a final and complete explanation. Ward tells us that materialism is deficient as a philosophy because it cannot include them, and has to argue them out of existence and explain them away.

Anyway, modern physics suggests that the nature of reality is very different from what we see, and that it is possibly unimaginable and inexplicable.

Cosmologist and science writer, Max Tegmark informs us that no one has ever observed an electron or a neutrino, only the results of a measurement; in a sense these are imaginary objects that only serve the purpose of making it easier for us to visualize the mathematical entities we compute.

In fact, if all the space between the atoms that make up our physical body were removed, a concentrated form of matter, the size of a grain of sand, would be left. As a result, 99.99 % of our body would be gone because 99.99 % of our body is made up of empty space.

Tegmark goes on and tells us that beneath the appearance and illusion of solidity in matter lies information at the most fundamental level. In short, the universe really just consists of information, and this view is so far from what the early Greek philosophers believed.

In fact, famed physicist Paul Davies tells us that explanations in physics are only getting more and more complicated and counter-intuitive every year and therefore, any plausible form of materialism will be exceedingly complex and mysterious. In short, a simplistic understanding of matter no longer has the alleged benefit of being the simplest explanation. So, the next time a person says to you that they only believe in matter, ask them to explain what they are talking about. After all, if they don't know what matter actually is, then their beliefs about matter really do not matter.

- Paul

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