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Receive this BLESSED Prayer for Heling | Psalm 41 | Morning Prayer.

· 23.06.2023 · 10:30:15 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Dream to Heal
Receive this BLESSED Prayer for Heling | Psalm 41 | Morning Prayer.

Welcome to the Dream to Heal Channel for our daily prayer. Today, we will pray and reflect on the teachings of Christ for all those seeking strength, whether in mental, physical, or emotional health. Remember that this prayer is a complement, and you should not neglect any necessary form of care if needed.

Now I ask you to relax, take a deep breath, and listen until the end, as we will conclude with the powerful Psalm 41. Psalm 41 is special for feeling close to God, assisting in great quests in the spiritual or professional field, bringing peace to the heart. It is also recommended for the treatment and balance of physical health and for obtaining clarity and affirmation in the emotional field. The power of Psalm 41 lies in God's mercy for His children.

Allow me to peruse Matthew chapter 8, verses 1 through 4. The Scriptures state that when he descended from the hill, a multitude followed him, and lo, a leper approached him and prostrated himself, addressing him as Lord. The leper expressed, "If it is your desire, you possess the ability to purify me." Jesus extended his hand and touched him, affirming, "I am willing; be cleansed."

Instantly, the leprosy vanished, and Jesus instructed him, "Ensure you divulge this to no one, but go and present yourself to the priest and offer the prescribed gift as evidence to them." This leper approached Jesus, presenting his plea, saying, "Lord, if it aligns with your intention, if you will it, you have the capacity to purify me." He had faith that Jesus could cleanse and restore his well-being. He believed in the healing authority of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, he exhibited humility when making his request to Jesus.

He stated, "If you will it," in other words, expressing, "Lord, if it is your will, if you deem it appropriate, if it pleases you, then restore my well-being." The leper did not demand to be healed; instead, he displayed submission. He was modest, clearly prioritizing the Lord's will. It is God's will that holds significance, not his own. Hence, I encourage you to adopt the same mindset today. Foster an attitude that places God's will above your own.

If you require healing, surrender to the Lord's will. If you receive healing, that is remarkable. However, if you do not, do not be disheartened, for there may be a purpose behind your current circumstances. Cultivate an attitude that proclaims, "Lord, regardless of your decision, I will trust in you. May your will prevail." May your will supersede mine. Healing is a necessity in our lives, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental.

Jesus Christ continues to bestow healing today. He still grants wholeness to individuals. Jesus Christ can mend shattered hearts and restore what is broken. He possesses the divine ability to rehabilitate and revive what appears lifeless.

He has the power to alleviate every painful scar. He is the ultimate healer, the foremost physician, capable of addressing both visible and unseen wounds in your life. However, here lies the key: we must submit ourselves to His will. Give praise if He heals you in a sudden and miraculous manner, but also praise Him if He chooses not to heal you, but instead provides you with the grace and strength to persevere.

Before we continue with this powerful prayer, if you feel it in your heart, mention your first name and the names of those you love and care about. And to reach more people with this video, please subscribe and give it a like. By doing so, you will also help sow seeds of goodness.

As Proverbs 11:25 says, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

Share this Video: https://youtu.be/cNZdPtyjfAM

Keywords: #prayerforhealing #healingprayer #morningprayer #psalm41

Extra Tags: Dream to Heal,healing prayer,prayer for healing,prayer for healing miracle,powerful prayer for healing,prayer for healing in jesus name,healing,prayer for healing and deliverance,prayer,healing prayers,night prayer,prayer for healing sickness,prayers for healing,healing prayer in jesus name,healing prayer for sickness,prayer for healing cancer,morning prayer,powerful prayer,miracle healing prayer in jesus name,prayer for healing and protection,evening prayer

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