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"覺醒" - 弗 5:14 "AWAKEN" - Ephesians 5:14 (CH/EN) (中文/英文)

· 16.02.2023 · 16:45:19 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Discipling Nations - Project 7th Trumpet
#awakening #revival #womenministers
许多人一直在呼唤的觉醒正在发生!这是势在必行的,现在比以往任何时候都更加。继续寻求他的王国和他的正义。未来的日子可能看起来很黑暗,但当我们站在我们的主和君王面前,释放他赞美的荣耀时,我们看到的只有靠着他的名字和话语的力量的胜利!来,赞美主!让我们的聚会成为点燃您家庭、社区、地区和国家之火的火花!以弗所书 5:14 - 所以祂说:“睡了的人哪,要起来!从死里复活!基督必光照你。”
The Awakening that so many have been calling out for is happening! It is imperative, now more than ever. to continue to seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness. The days ahead may look dark but as we stand before our Lord and King, releasing the glory of His Praise, we see only victory by the power of His Name and Word! Come, Bless the Lord! Let our gathering be a spark that lights the fire in your home, community, region and nation! Ephsians 5:14 - Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”

詩 68:32,33 (Psalms 68:32,33)
詩 68:4,5 (Psalms 68:4,5)
士 4:4 (Judges 4:4)
路 12:32 (Luke 12:32)
詩 15:1,2 (Psalm 15:1,2)
弗 5:1-5 (Ephesians 5:1-5)
弗 5:14-16 (Ephesians 5:14-16)
歌 2:13 (Song of Solomon 2:13)

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