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Stephen Hawking's Atheism

🎞️ · 01.10.2023 · 09:06:43 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 11 🎬 856 📺 Paul Ross
🎬 · 01.10.2023 · 09:06:43 ··· Sonntag
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
We all know that the beliefs of popular and famous people have a tremendous influence. No mystery here. After all, if so-and-so announced it, then it must be true. Case in point, many individuals love Stephen Hawking, even though most have not read any of his books. I've come across a few individuals who do not believe in God because of what he said.
It appears that Stephen Hawking's last words shook a few people up. Hawking, in his final words told us that “There is no God, and that no one directs the universe.”

This is total nonsense. None of these statements has Hawking proven, he merely asserted these things based upon his own confused speculations. It appears that his atheistic presuppositions heavily influenced his reasoning. It is no secret that before Stephen Hawking died, he began to express more and more atheistic pronouncements. He began to conclude definitive and conclusive statements about the nature of reality, wherein God was rejected. That’s right, He became an atheist evangelist.

However, when one looks at the particular words made by Hawking to conclude his Godless interpretation, one discovers his whole case is anchored in philosophical confusion, equivocation, and contradiction, and that’s not a good look. As most people are aware, Hawking flatly declared that the universe created itself out of NOTHING and if the universe created itself out of NOTHING, then God was unnecessary—hence atheism.

What did Hawking actually write? Hawking wrote that “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from NOTHING”.
But I ask… if gravity already existed, as declared in his statement, how is the universe creating itself out of NOTHING? If there is a law like gravity already present—as Hawking asserted, then the claim that the universe created itself out of NOTHING is blatantly false.

Where did this mysterious law of gravity come from? How is the law of gravity NOTHING? What is its purpose? Does it have a lawgiver? Did it exist forever, or was it brought into existence?
Atheist Lawrence Krauss also asserted that the universe came from nothing, but then mysteriously spends the rest of his book explaining how nothing is a lot of something, such as things like gravity and quantum fluctuations. So, I ask. In what way is the pre-existence of gravity and quantum fluctuations NOTHING? It’s a good thing that other scientists and philosophers came forward and pointed out the fallacy of equivocation and misleading double-talk in the pronouncements of Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss.

Now this is old news, so why am I pointing this out?
I am pointing this out because many people are influenced by big names in science and accept whatever they say as an indisputable truth. The fact is, none of these popular scientists know what existence really is. Stephen Hawking understood this when he pointed out, “Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?” On this topic, science has nothing to say.”

In this statement, Hawking confesses that he does not know what ultimately caused our universe and its laws. As he said, “On this topic, science has nothing to say.” The truth is that observationally based, human centered based interpretation, operating out from incomplete data, will always remain in a state of infinite empirical ignorance because limited human senses can never have an omniscient pansophical view of reality. There is no getting beyond this. Only God knows what reality and existence is. I suspect Stephen Hawking will know a little bit more now.

- Paul Ross

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