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Church History 26 (The Creed of Nicaea)

· 18.06.2023 · 22:07:50 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
Emperor Constantine I called the Council of Nicaea early in 325 on the advice of a more local council held by Bishop Hosius of Cordova. The Nicene Council began c. 20 May 325 with discussion regarding the Arian controversy, which was not well-known to all the bishops in the Empire. Constantine arrived later on June 14 and called for the signing of the Nicene Creed on June 19. Those who refused to sign were exiled.

The creed at Nicaea is different than our "Nicene Creed" today. Our Creed was expanded at later councils to further describe Jesus' human history and the person of the Holy Spirit. Those two subjects were not in debate at Nicaea, Arianism was. Therefore, the Creed at Nicaea also had anathemas (condemnations) of particular Arian beliefs. Much of the issue can be summed up with the difference between homoousios ("same substance") and homoiousios ("similar substance"). The Arian position that Jesus' divinity is created leads to the logical conclusion he is a different and lesser deity than God the Father (which is similar to Jehovah's Witnesses who are modern day Arians). The Council at Nicaea maintained that Jesus is the same divine substance as the Father, which means he is uncreated, but different in person and consequently in relation to the Father, thus Christ is eternally begotten.

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